One Life Success was built by Joe Brown and Aimee Hall in 2012 following the realisation of our aligned views and ideas on the world, life and success during an app competition we’d worked together on earlier that year.

We discovered each others equal passions for self development and success during that year and through our teamwork in the competition came to realize how well suited we were working together on projects like these.

While Aimee was an avid writer and myself passionate about entrepreneurship and technology, we were still both incredibly similar in our views on the world, life, success and self-development. We subsequently decided we should work together on a similar project again and just a few months later, was born.

A lot has changed since then, both online and off, including vast changes to One Life Success and our ideas on how to take it further. We’ve also changed ourselves, as all people and self-developers in particular undoubtedly do. However, to this day we still maintain those founding views of the world, our high ambitions for ourselves and an immense passion for One Life Success and inspiring others to be great.

So come along and join us in our journey through One Life Success. As our header says, we’re “Changing the World, One Life at a Time.” Join us and see where you life could end up! For updates from Joe, Aimee and One Life Success, follow us on Twitter .