Archive for Videos

Follow Your Heart by Steve Jobs & Alan Watts (Video)

The Mind: For the Over-Thinkers Amongst Us by Alan Watts (Video)

Gurbaksh Chahal: Money, Goals & Life in an Entrepreneurs World (Video)

Look Up (Spoken Word) – An Important Message in a Changing World

Julie Burstein: Four Lessons in Creativity (Video)

In order to create, we have to stand in that space between what we see in the world, and what we hope for.

Julie Burstein has always been fascinated by the process of creativity and spends most of her working week trying to discover more about it through her writing, blogging and radio show producing. Not only is Burnstein now the author of one of the most impressive self-development books of all time (Spark: How Creativity Works) she is also the founder of Studio 360 Radio Station and, both of which are brilliant resources for the creative individual.

As a developing entrepreneur, Burstein is full of questions about the challenges and rewards that creativity bring and is always keen to shed some light on the answers she has found. In this video you can see Burstein in action as she shares four of her top tips for encouraging rather than diminishing creativity. » Read more..

Life is Short: Live it Well & Travel (Video)

We Are One by Gurbaksh Chahal (Video)

Gurbaksh Chahal is the proud entrepreneur behind several hugely successful online advertising firms of San Francisco. Gurbaksh has always been keen to share his lessons and values for life and in this video, aimed to promote one of his previous companies, he does just that.

It’s inspirational, guiding and gives so real insight into the mindsets and values of the young and successful. Check it out below and if you’d like to find out more about Gurbaksh Chahal’s Life & Lessons, be sure to click here.

Gary Vaynerchuk: Between The Clouds & The Dirt (Video)

As huge fan of Gary Vaynerchuk, it didn’t take long for me to pick up on the new short movie he released to his YouTube followers last week. In the short movie he talks about his notion of being Between the Clouds and the Dirt and focusing on nothing between his bigger dream, goals and strategy and working on the specific actions, plans and work needed to achieve them.

Gary also talks about marketing, social media and enterprise in the video, but bear with it a bit. All-in-all, Gary has some really good lessons and advice to learn.

Check out the Video Below! …And don’t forget to comment your thoughts below too.

For more about Gary Vee, Check out his Life & Lessons post here: Gary Vaynerchuk – A Hustler at Heart… Life & Lessons

Wrote by Joe Brown  -  Follow us  -  Comment Below! :)

John Green on How to Make Things & Why (Video)

I’ll be honest, when I clicked on this video I intended only to view the first ten minutes. But as time progressed, I got absorbed in what Green had to say about the process of creation and came to realise that it went hand in hand with what we encourage here at One Life Success.

I’m sure you’re all aware that the book sensation ‘The Fault in our Stars’ was released into (English) cinema last week, but if your not I still recommend this video because the author of the book, Mr John Green, really captures the essence of creation in his talk about: why we do it, why we should do it and how we do it.

Whether you’re a writer or not, this video is inspiring for any person who wishes to challenge themselves creatively and get inspired by what it means to create. So grab a notebook and take a listen. What does creativity mean to you? How can you challenge yourself? Why do you create?

Wrote by Aimee Hall  -  Follow us  -  Comment Below!

Jamie Dunmore: My Call For Humanity [Video]

An eye opening spoken word piece, covering the serious topics of our humanity and our future. I think poetry aside, Jamie highlights some really key issues facing our world today in his video, but more importantly he covers the many issues facing ourselves to.

So take a listen and think. What does Jamie say that rings true in me? Because humanity and humans are facing issues like never before, but nothing is happening to change. However, we know that change is the first step towards future success, so think, what changes should you begin to make?

Take a listen and don’t forget to let me know your thoughts in the comments below!