Archive for Inspirational Playlist

Warren Buffet: The Ideal Investor… Life & Lessons

Warren Buffet Life & Lessons HeaderWarren Buffet, also known as the ‘Oracle of Omaha’ is one of the world richest and most successful men. He made his first investment at just age 11 before beginning his first small business by age 13.

But this was just the start; as Buffet would go on to make his forthcoming fortune through a large series of smart investments spanning his lifetime ahead. In this post, I’ll be discussing both the life and lessons of Warren Buffet and his success.

Warren Buffet: Life Biography

Warren Edward Buffet was born on 30th August 1930, in Omaha, Nebraska to his parents Howard and Leila Stahl Buffet. Buffet’s father worked as a stockbroker in his own local shop, while his mother was a homemaker. Buffet had 2 sisters, but was the only boy in the family.

From an early age Buffet showed a lot of interest and skill in financial and business doings, with an outstanding skill in mathematics and mental arithmetic; and the ability to add large columns of numbers together in his head. » Read more..

Inspirational Playlist: Soundtrack Set Three

Inspiration HeaderWelcome to post three of my Inspirational Playlist series. In this post, I’ll follow on from the first and second posts of the series and share with you another 10 soundtracks from my Inspirational Sound Track Playlist.

If you would like to find out more about the playlist, why I keep it, add to it and how I made it, then check out my first introductory post to the series here.

10 More Inspirational Playlist Soundtracks

I hope you enjoy the soundtrack videos below, but remember; these are the soundtracks and videos which are inspiring to me, and they may not be for you. However, there are millions of videos out there and any could be inspiring to you! So here goes, I hope you enjoy. » Read more..

Inspirational Playlist: Soundtrack Set Two

Inspirational Music/PlaylistWelcome to post two of the Inspirational Playlist series. In this post, I will follow on from the first post of the series (which you can find here) and share with you another 10 soundtracks from my Inspirational Soundtrack Playlist on my iPhone.

If you would like to find out more about the playlist, why I keep it, add to it and how I made it, then check out my first introductory post to the series here.

10 More Inspirational Playlist Soundtracks

I hope you enjoy the soundtrack videos below, but remember; these are the soundtracks and videos, which are inspiring to me. They may not be for you and in that case, why not look on YouTube for some of your own? Anyway, here goes and I hope you enjoy! » Read more..

Inspirational Playlist: Introduction & Set One

Inspirational PlaylistOnce upon a time you could buy cassettes of inspirational tapes, speeches and songs, but not anymore. Or well, I’m sure you can, but why would you? Today we’re in the age of digital!

Today I have an ‘Inspirational Playlist’ on my iPhone which includes all sorts of tapes, songs and speeches that I find inspirational to me. Songs, soundtracks and speeches from people like Bob Marley, Jim Rohn, Steve Jobs and Barack Obama are all included in my inspirational playlist and it’s this playlist which I would like to begin to share with you today. » Read more..