Archive for Book Reviews

Book Review: ‘Uni In The USA’

‘Uni In The USA’ by John Wallis, Alice Fishburn, Anthony Nemecek and Anthony Seldon

Uni in the USA Book CoverLast week I brought to our younger readers’ attention the possibilities (and benefits) of achieving their higher education the USA. In the post – which you can read by clicking here – I recommended a book for anyone interested in taking this step further called ‘Uni In The USA.’

‘Uni In The USA’ has helped me, and thousands of other students, realize that moving to another country is not as scary as you might think. Although moving is a big change for anyone if you know enough about it, making the decision is much easier and this is why I’m writing about the book today.

The American education system proudly champions a breadth rather than a depth of knowledge, making it the perfect opportunity for a budding self-developer to make their way.

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Book Review: What Color is your Parachute? by Richard Bolles

What Color is your Parachute? - Another inspiring read for the self-developer…

On my bedside table, I have a pile of self-development books. They’re not the lightest of genre of reads I’ll admit, but I recommend them to anyone out there who looks into the face of the future and sees it as an opportunity worth seizing today.

The book of these that I’d like to talk to you about today is called, ‘What Color is Your Parachute?’ by Richard Bolles.

What Colour is your Parachute by Richard Bolles Book Review

First Impressions

Normally, when I come across a book centered on careers (such as this one), I put it down. But there was something different about the contents and opinions of this book, that made me keen to give it a try anyway.

And I wasn’t disappointed. » Read more..

Book Review: Duncan Bannatyne – Riding The Storm

His Journey to the Brink and Back

This week’s Global Entrepreneurship Week (as you’ll know if you read my post on Monday) and having finished my latest read from Duncan Bannatyne last week, I thought a review might be due.

Duncan, as you’ll find out below and in the book is an incredibly successful, yet realistic guy. He’s achieved a lot in his life and has been through many high and lows to do so. Duncan and his business acumen has always been inspiration to me, yet I think his success and his journey to it can be of inspiration and value for any self-developer; entrepreneurial or not.

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Recommended Book Review: P.U.S.H for Success

This is a very easy book to read and gives very simple hints and tips which I believe have helped me to achieve my dreams and hope can also help you achieve yours.

Remember Saira Khan? Star of the hit BBC TV series The Apprentice, Khan was a bit different from the other contestants. She was innovative, ballsy, loud and could handle Alan Sugar like no other.

Naturally she stood out of the crowd and oozed a ‘can do’ attitude that clearly showed everyone watching that this woman knew exactly what she wanted and was going to push at all costs to get it.

Wouldn’t believe this strong successful woman began life in a places where ‘the man was regarded as the leader and provider of the home’ would you?

In a world so far away from the one she took by storm, Saira began life in a town with no electricity or water pipes. She built herself up around inspiration to be different, grew determined from the high standards her father set and made no excuses. The past was simply a mould to grow with. Failure wasn’t an option. » Read more..

Recommended Book Review: Finding Square Holes

Finding square holes was an accident. I’d never noticed the box before, it was labelled ‘Self-Development’ and it belonged to my Dad. Inside was a piano of titles, all cliché along the lines of ’Success and Cvs’ and ’Jobhunting for the dumb’ but one caught my eye and it was this.

‘Finding Square Holes; Discover who you really are and find the perfect career.’ and that’s Career. Not job.

Anita Houghton is not a psychologist of any sort. Nore is she a shiny celebrity. She didn’t even win the apprentice. She’s just a woman with an honest voice, an open mind and an open admission to having ‘had the odd problem with work myself’.

I liked Anita from the introduction. She cut to the heart of things, something I fail at as a writer myself, and her approach to careers and self-development was methodical, humorous at times and easy-to-follow; reflecting her nature as a trained doctor. It was different. And I was hooked. » Read more..