Archive for Inspirational People Series

C.S. Lewis: Success & Storytelling… Life & Lessons

C.S. Lewis HeaderA few days ago I came across a question on an application form that really sparked my attention. The question was ‘If you could choose any person to have dinner with, who would you choose?’ and unlike the other questions on the sheet I wasn’t sure of my answer straight away. As with most people, there are many people that inspire me. To pick only one, was impossible.

To find the answer I went back to my roots and I thought about what ‘success’ meant to me. To me it meant being the best you can be, but also resonating with the world around you.  In the end I chose a figure that has been in my life from the very beginning, a writer called C.S. Lewis.

Whether you’re a budding author or not it is impossible to deny that this man was one of the most successful in his field. The depth in which his series’ go to provide an escape for his readers is unique and admirable, but the length of time that his work has remained celebrated is possibly one of the most phenomenal indications of his success as a storyteller.

His novels have globally sold in their millions, his stories have been adapted in their hundreds, for all kinds of media, and his name is one I believe will live on forever in his field. I’ll further discuss the life and lessons of C.S. Lewis below. » Read more..

Napoleon Hill: The Original Success Guru… Life & Lessons

Napoleon Hill Signature HeaderNapoleon Hill was an American Author and is well regarded as one of the greatest researchers, writers and reporters on success of all time. He wrote in the area of the new thought movement and his publications included several hugely successful books on self-development including his most well known, Think and Grow Rich. Think and Grow Rich was so big, it still stands as one of the best selling books in the world even today!

Napoleon Hill would often say, “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve,” and he believed in this with his reportings often focusing on how the power of personal beliefs can influence a man’s success.

He also wrote about how achievement actually occurs and a formula he’d found for it, something which aimed to put success within reach of the average person who followed it. In this post, we’ll look at the life of Napoleon Hill and some of the key lessons he found and taught from it. » Read more..

George Lucas: May the Force be with You… Life & Lessons

George Lucas WideIf you’ve never seen a ‘Star Wars’ or ‘Indiana Jones’ movie you’re missing out because love them or hate them, they are a prime example of what it means to create a product that is the best in its field!

Creation is an escape from the concrete world around us and if you can create an escape for all kinds of people, for the whole 120 minutes that your movie is on, you’re successful. If you can create that escape for much longer than that first year the movie comes out, you’re a genius. And that’s exactly what George Lucas did within his films.

Not only do the movies appeal to all kinds of people across generations, they also changed the face of sci-fi fiction. And that’s what ‘creating’ is all about – being innovative in a way that the people like.

As one of the most successful and well known American screenwriters, directors, producers and entrepreneurs George Lucas is at the prime of his field and has shaped the movie world for the inheritance of future generations. For these reasons I figured it’s about time that I bring him to your attention here at One Life Success. » Read more..

Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller: The Ultimate Shipping Magnate… Life & Lessons

Maersk Mc-Kinney MollerMærsk Mc-Kinney Møller was the greatest shipping magnate of the 20th Century, moving unthinkable numbers of containers and goods around the world and playing a revolutionary part in the invisible globalisation of the world by sea.

I’ve always been inspired by Maersk Line and loved how it plays such a big part in the progress of our world. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, Maersk is working and yet only a very few percent of the world will ever know it.

I once watched a corporate video called We Are Mearsk on YouTube. In the video Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller was featured and I found what he said both inspirational and true, and although it was spoke in relation to the business, I think it’s completely relatable to life to.

So in this post I’d like to share with you the life of Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller, the son of the Maersk founder, A.P. Møller and discuss some of the many life lessons he and his incredible life have to give. » Read more..

Tony Robbins: An Awakened Giant Within… Life & Lessons

tony-robbinsTony Robbins is the world’s most recognised, successful and influential peak-state life coach. He’s released several self-help books, audiotapes and hosted many inspirational peak-state coaching seminars around the world.

During his life, Robbins has taken an exceptional route from a usual city boy childhood to a phenomenal self-help guru and through his programs has reached over 4 million people around the world. Anthony Robbins not only talks, teaches and inspires success, but also has developed his own success at phenomenal rate to.

In this post, we’ll see how Tony developed his life success and we’ll learn from through his own words and theories, just some of the ways we could help ourselves do it to. » Read more..

Sir Tim Berners-Lee: The Ultimate Internet Innovator… Life & Lessons

Sir Tim Berners-LeeSir Tim Berners-Lee is a British computer scientist who’s best known as the inventor of the World Wide Web, the foundation for todays Internet. The Queen knighted Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 2004 for his work and he’s well recognised by many around the globe as one of the biggest world changers of the last few decades – pivoting the world into a whole new direction of global connectivity, sharing and communication.

The Life Biography of Tim Berners-Lee

Tim Berners-Lee was born in Southwest London on the 8th Jun 1955 to Mary Lee Woods and Conway Berners-Lee. His family including 3 siblings was a techy bunch as a whole and his parents had worked on the first commercially built computer of the era, the Ferranti Mark 1.

During his early life, Tim attended Sheen Mount Primary School before moving on to attend London’s independent Emanuel School during his teenage years from 1969 to 1973. It was during these years that he learnt about electronics through his model railway and related trainspotting interests.

Following his conclusion of schooling at Emanuel Independent School in 1973, Tim went on to study a first-class degree in physics as The Queens College of the University of Oxford. He studied there for 3 years between 1973 and 1976 and no doubt, spent some of his time furthering his already expansive knowledge of electronics. » Read more..

Will Smith: America’s Finest Actor, Producer & Rap Artist… Life & Lessons

Will Smith

Being realistic is the most common path to mediocrity,       –   Will Smith

Will Smith is a name that millions of people, including myself, don’t just associate with talent but with success in its purest of forms.

Out of the nineteen fiction films Smith has starred in, over $6.63 billion pounds have been grossed in global box office. He had won four Grammy Awards for his performances, produced five studio albums and starred in one of the most popular comedy series’ of modern day The Fresh Prince of Be lair.

But what perhaps makes Will Smith so unique to other actors, producers and rap artists is the fact that he has retained his cool, charismatic nature throughout the whole of his career – even incorporating his family life in with his business life as you’ll see later on in the post.

I was drawn to writing about Will Smith for many reasons. His philosophy. His talents. His quotes. But what’s most important for you to consider here, whilst reading, is whether success is ever truly pure if we change who we are to get there. If you answer is yes, hopefully this post will change your mind… » Read more..

Gurbaksh Chahal: More Than Just A High School Drop Out… Life & Lessons

Gurbaksh Chahal Life and Lessons EntrepreneurGurbaksh Chahal: Life Biography

On July 17th, 1982, Gurbaksh Chahal was born in the town of Tarn Taran, near Amritsar in Punjab, India. 3 years later, in 1985 his parents Avtar and Arjinder Chahal received a visa to move to America gained through the Diversity Visa (DV) Program, also known as the Green Card Lottery. The following year, they moved to America and settled in the sunny and tech thriving San Jose, California. Gurbaksh was just 4 years old.

Gurbaksh Chahal Childhood PictureWhen the Chahal’s arrived in America they had just $25 to their name. However, they had the hope of making a future for their children and so struggled in a variety of poorly paid jobs to support it. Education was paramount for the Chahal’s, as it was for most immigrant families, but at age 16, Gurbaksh dropped out of high school where he’d been bullied for several years to work on his online advertising business.

He started work on ClickAgents full time and went on to work relentlessly in pursuit of his dream life as an Entrepreneur.

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Stephen John Fry: Taking Television by Storm… Life & Lessons

Stephen FryStephen John Fry has been the national treasure of the television world for almost two decades now, and continues to light up our screens thirty years after his big break in 1982 with The Cellar Tapes. Since then Stephen has written multiple best-selling books, narrated video games and appeared in some of the most prestigious documentaries, films, plays and comedy series’ that modern times have had the pleasure to witness.

But the ladder that Fry climbed to get to where he is today was no laughing matter and it’s a ladder that most of you reading this today will also have to undergo in your own unique way. As a child, Stephen Fry was subjected to an extremely disturbed scene; a scene that involved spending time in jail, being expelled from school and having to constantly cover up his homosexuality. In later years Fry also suffered with bipolar disorder, suicidal thoughts and all the struggles that come with being a famous gay rights activist.

With all of this suffering it’s hard to believe that Stephen is as successful as he is. And that’s why I’m writing about him today. In most of my inspiration series posts I’ve looked at directors, artists and writers; but in this post I’m going to discuss the reasons why I cannot help but admire Stephen Fry. He didn’t have the smoothest of journeys (and still experiences inconveniences today) but it’s a journey that lead to triumph in spite of all the odds and it’s therefore a journey we can both learn from.   » Read more..

Sir James Dyson: A Cyclone of Innovation… Life & Lessons

James Dyson White BackgroundSir James Dyson is a British inventor, designer and founder of the Dyson Company. He is best known for his development of the world’s first Dual Cyclone bag less vacuum cleaner and according to the Sunday Times Rich List had a net worth of £3 Billion in 2013.

James Dyson: Life

Early Life

James Dyson was born in Cromer, Norfolk, England on the 2nd May 1947. He had two siblings but was sent to Gresham’s Boarding School in Holt, Norfolk between 1956 and 1965 after his father’s death from cancer. There, it’s said he enjoyed and excelled in long distance running.

“I was quite good at it,” He said a few years later, “Not because I was physically good, but because I had more determination. I learnt determination from it.”

Between 1965 and 1966, he spent one year studying at the Byam Shaw School of Art before moving to study furniture and interior design at the Royal College of Art (1966-1970) and later moving into engineering. » Read more..