Avoiding the Post-it Note Blues

How Not to Become a Walking To-Do List this Christmas… 

Blue Sticky NoteThe world is modernising rapidly. As a result our children, our bosses, our parents, our teachers, and our internal, personal goals are demanding more and more from us.

In a way this is fantastic! It means that people are achieving more, in less time, because they have more opportunities to do so.

But taking a break is also something everyone needs from time to time in order to bring meaning to our work. And this is especially true at this time of year.

This post is all about how you can slow down this Christmas, but also implement a more valuable, time re-claiming plan to your New Year. Remember, being busy isn’t a bad thing – but it’s always important to save time and make time for other, but equally as important things in life.  » Read more..

Same-Sex Success: Why You Shouldn’t Dismiss an All-Female Environment

GenderinWorkI have never thought enough about the ‘equality of the sexes’ to become a feminist. But when I recently heard a talk by Erin Northey, a journalist from the states, concerning ‘female leadership’ I had lots of thoughts on the issue.

The truth is that equality is extremely important to people like us who carry big dreams, because equality offers us opportunities to advance ourselves and take a leap forward.

Today we live in a society that takes gender equality for granted. Women can freely take up the same jobs, education and opportunities as men and think nothing of it. And that’s great, but perhaps there is some truth in the fact that equality in bigger positions still isn’t 100% perfected.

Most people shudder at the idea of an all female work place, event or college, but the truth is that there are as many benefits to a single-gender opportunity as there are to mixed gender ones – particularly in light of the ‘inequality’ gap. And to make the best decisions for your future, you should never completely rule out an option before considering it in full before hand. » Read more..

Ten Useful Things To Put On Your Christmas List This Year

Christmas ListWhen it comes to entrepreneurs, creatives and self-developers alike, socks for Christmas just won’t cut it and now it’s approaching fast, I’m sure it won’t be long until your overly prepared aunts and uncles are asking for your list.

So if you’re unsure this year, we’ve already devised a few ideas for you to add to the list! Included in our top 10 are a number of things that we believe will encourage you to do better and more in the New Year, than you ever have before.

So get reading, listing and remember to be organised for the upcoming New Year. » Read more..

A Historical Spotlight: 6 Lessons From the 13-Year Anniversary of 9/11

9/11 Memorial HeaderBack in August of this year, I visited the 9/11 memorial museum in New York City. The museum has only opened this year but has quickly become a popular landmark for Americans and tourists alike to visit and pay their respects.

I was only a young child when the towers fell, but my experience of the museum got me thinking about what the 9/11 disaster meant to the American people around me and what I could learn, myself, from the disaster and the way the many millions of distraught people around the globe dealt with it at the time.

Below are the six lessons I’ve learned from my recent visit to the 9/11 Memorial site after it’s 13 year anniversary. » Read more..

Follow Your Heart by Steve Jobs & Alan Watts (Video)

7 Ways A Notebook Could Make You More Successful

Notebooks HeaderI know what all you tech geeks out there are thinking right now, notebooks are a little old fashioned for this day and age aren’t they? Well, no they’re not. There’s a reason that the notebook has remained a timeless creation for all these years, and there’s a reason why you (yes you, with the iPad) have clicked on this post. This post is all about that ‘why’ and ‘how’.

How Could A Notebook Make You More Successful?

1. You’ll Be More Organised

vector-notebookIf you can visually see the tasks that you have set yourself for the day, before it has even begun, you can prepare your mind for them and adjust the order of your tasks to suit the times of day when you are going to be best free and focused.

Having this flexible way of organising your mind is a great way to ’think outside the workplace’ even when you’re still sat at your desk. What’s in those pages is yours. You are in control. You are in charge. And that notebook is the organised portal to your success; you can escape to whenever you need to. » Read more..

8 Top Tips for… Handling Difficult People

Whatever life you lead, there will always be difficult and stubborn people you have to work with. These could be public members, staff members or even your boss, but you should never let this hold you back or prevent you from being the best you can be. Instead, follow my 8 simple top tips below.

Dealing with Difficult People

1. Channel Your Positive, Inner Dialog

Positive inner dialog, results in positive outer dialog. It’s a fact. So before you stand your ground, tell yourself that you can do this and that you can do it without coming out on the worse end.

Quite often the only leap you have to take between where you are now and where you want to be, is belief, so ensure you are constantly visualising a positive end to the situation no matter how small it might be. » Read more..

The Mind: For the Over-Thinkers Amongst Us by Alan Watts (Video)

What Legacies Are Made Of: How to Create a Long-Lasting, World-Shaping Success…

Success and Legacy to the WorldBest-selling author, Malcolm Gladwell once controversially said, “of the great entrepreneurs of this era, people will have forgotten Steve Jobs but there will be statues of Bill Gates across the third world”.

Maybe this is a slight exaggeration of the truth, but there is some truth in the idea that ‘success’ and ‘legacy’ are two very different things.

In my opinion anyone can become rich and famous with the right product but to become a legend you have to go that extra mile and create something that is so outstandingly new, clever or timeless that the world can’t ever forget or replicate what you contributed to it. So what are legacies made of? » Read more..

Handling Negative Comments: Why & When Criticism Is A Good Thing

originalWe’ve all had those days when our boss, publisher or best friend take us aside and tell us that everything we’re doing, we’re doing wrong. But on those kind of days, the key to survival is to think about how you react to the criticism before you do.

The truth is, nobody likes to hear what they aren’t doing right. It’s human nature to want the best for ourselves, but if you learn how to turn what you’re doing wrong, into what you’re doing right, this knowledge could easily speed up your advances into the future. So why is criticism a good thing? » Read more..