Ten Useful Things To Put On Your Christmas List This Year

Christmas ListWhen it comes to entrepreneurs, creatives and self-developers alike, socks for Christmas just won’t cut it and now it’s approaching fast, I’m sure it won’t be long until your overly prepared aunts and uncles are asking for your list.

So if you’re unsure this year, we’ve already devised a few ideas for you to add to the list! Included in our top 10 are a number of things that we believe will encourage you to do better and more in the New Year, than you ever have before.

So get reading, listing and remember to be organised for the upcoming New Year.

10 Items to Put on Your Christmas List this Year

1. Ties

Looking good is more important than you think, because first impressions are more important that you think. In the lead to your success, you won’t get away with bare feet and an old t-shirt like Steve Jobs; you have to earn that privilege.

So put a great tie on your Christmas list this year and remember that sometimes, it’s not only about preparing your mind for new opportunities; whether it be an interview or your first day somewhere new, but it’s also about looking the part, to feel the part and to be treated with the respect you deserve.

2. A Good Notebook

vector-notebookHaving somewhere consistent to keep your ideas will make you a more creative, prepared and organised person. You can section it out in anyway you like, but remember to always keep it with you and organised too.

In order to complete your goals in the New Year, you must know what your goals are and how you plan to achieve them. So what better way to be prepared for this, than by literally mapping them out.

For more information on the value of a good notebook, see my recent post here.

3. ‘Think and Grow Rich’

Being inspired is one of the most important elements of being creative, making money and achieving your dreams. ‘Think and Grow Rich’ is a classic example of how to do this, traditionally.

If you’ve never read it before, then now is the time. And if you have, then it’s still great to have a copy at hand for when the going gets tough and the January blues set it.

Remember this is your year to shine and the only person in your way is you.

4. An iPod

Motivation is also a key element to the Entrepreneurs mindset and what better way to stay motivated than to have your very own motivational playlist or collection of stored podcasts.

Music and other audible resources are a valuable way to mentally prepare yourself for the day, but also to make the most of your time. Make music or motivational speeches part of your daily routine in the New Year and you will feel results.

5. A Newspaper Subscription

a-newspaper-subscription-is-867-more-expensive-in-manhattan-than-the-national-averageIn a modernising world, it’s still important to stay on top of the things happening all around you, so that you are able to provide your world and your customers with exactly what they want.

You should always be looking for gaps to fill, ideas to develop and ways to improve lives. And for me, being involved with news has always been one of the best ways in doing this.

6. A Coffee-to-Go Mug

In the New Year you should be constantly moving towards your goals, which might include stepping outside your comfort zones, travelling and going that extra mile to achieve.

In this sense, a travel mug is more a metaphorical object. But, lets face it, it also makes you look and feel the part, and gives you something nice and warm to drink on those early, frosty starts.

7. A Photo Frame

Amongst all the busyness, the trips and the travel, you must still remember, why are you doing this? What is the bigger picture? Who do you want to be at the end of all this – at the next New Year, in the next five years, or even by your deathbed?

So when the going gets tough, a photo is a great reminder of what and why you’re here. Whether it’s a picture of your family or an element of your desired future within it. It doesn’t matter. As long as you are going where you need to go.

8. Piggy Bank

Piggy BankThis is again more of a metaphorical gift, but one designed to induce you into more carefully considering your resources and keeping track of the rewards of your growing success.

Every penny – whether this penny consists of actual money, time or energy – counts and you should save your resources, all that you can give, for what will truly make you happy and successful.

But never forget to reward yourself from time to time either, so what have I already earned? What have I done well this year? These are important questions for ensuring you are on track, but also for making your success means something more to you.

9. Corkboard

Much like with the notebook, keeping your ideas close by is a very vital part of the design and make process of all products, services and lives.

Yet while we’re are always constantly on the go and moving from place to place, a simple corkboard in your office or at home could be the perfect way for you to inspire and organise you day from morning, to afternoon and evening.

10. A Copy of Our New Upcoming Lives & Lessons eBook

You may have read some of our ‘Lives & Lessons’ series posts (if not, click here) before, and in them we’ve been covering some of the worlds most successful and influential people and their lives.

These posts have become so popular over the last year, that myself and Joe have decided to release a number of eBooks in the future, that gather all of these lives, lessons, stories and ideas together into one book, giving you a resource that we hope will help to you keep focused, motivated and inspired throughout the year, when you’re on and offline.

So ensure to keep an eye on our bookstore throughout the New Year of 2015.

Wrote by Aimee Hall