Money, Money, Money: How to Write a Winning CV & Nail that Call-back!

Curriculum Vitae HeaderHere at One Life Success we believe that one of the most important parts of being successful is enjoying the success you’ve achieved. And although that ‘reward’ shouldn’t be money alone, it is an element of life that is impossible to ignore when you’re climbing to the top.

The truth is, money doesn’t buy happiness but it does lift ideas off the ground and that’s why I’ve included a post today about writing a winning CV because sometimes the basics are the best things to build upon when you’re aiming for the biggest and the best. In this case, securing the perfect job could be a stepping stone to that dream of yours – and thus, it’s important to do it right! » Read more..

6 Top Ways to Boost Your Self-Development through Enrichment in Life

It's time to enrich your lifeLife’s a journey but many people live theirs on a linear path. I believe life and self-development should be an upward journey and one where you build yourself high and higher, level by level. So with that in mind, today I want to talk to you in this post about doing just that and my favourite ways of doing it – that’s through enrichment.

I honestly believe that life is about development and more specifically self-development, but I also believe the biggest thing of self-development is enrichment. It’s about building your knowledge, your skills, your mind, your contacts and your creativity. Building up, one by one all of these things to make yourself and your life, better and better as you live on.

In this post I’ll discuss with you 9 easy and yet great ways to expand your mind and boost your development through enrichment activities in your life. » Read more..

Napoleon Hill: The Original Success Guru… Life & Lessons

Napoleon Hill Signature HeaderNapoleon Hill was an American Author and is well regarded as one of the greatest researchers, writers and reporters on success of all time. He wrote in the area of the new thought movement and his publications included several hugely successful books on self-development including his most well known, Think and Grow Rich. Think and Grow Rich was so big, it still stands as one of the best selling books in the world even today!

Napoleon Hill would often say, “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve,” and he believed in this with his reportings often focusing on how the power of personal beliefs can influence a man’s success.

He also wrote about how achievement actually occurs and a formula he’d found for it, something which aimed to put success within reach of the average person who followed it. In this post, we’ll look at the life of Napoleon Hill and some of the key lessons he found and taught from it. » Read more..

Gary Vaynerchuk: Between The Clouds & The Dirt (Video)

As huge fan of Gary Vaynerchuk, it didn’t take long for me to pick up on the new short movie he released to his YouTube followers last week. In the short movie he talks about his notion of being Between the Clouds and the Dirt and focusing on nothing between his bigger dream, goals and strategy and working on the specific actions, plans and work needed to achieve them.

Gary also talks about marketing, social media and enterprise in the video, but bear with it a bit. All-in-all, Gary has some really good lessons and advice to learn.

Check out the Video Below! …And don’t forget to comment your thoughts below too.

For more about Gary Vee, Check out his Life & Lessons post here: Gary Vaynerchuk – A Hustler at Heart… Life & Lessons

Wrote by Joe Brown  -  Follow us  -  Comment Below! :)

My Top 9 Critical Success Factors For Successful Living

Success JigsawWe all know that success isn’t based upon just a few things, or even a handful… but that success is reliant on many hundreds and thousands of variable critical success factors falling together just right.

However, as hard as it may be, in this post I’ll dive into this subject none-the-less and bring to you what I consider the 9 most critical success factors to me. In this post we’ll discover how factors of success such as attitude and education can come together for successful living and how working smart and being creativity can enhance your chances to.

I’ve gained many small successes during my life and while still young and fighting for my biggest success yet, I believe I’ve learnt and know what it takes. Over the years, it’s these critical success factors, which have lead me to successful living in my life and I’ll share them with you now. » Read more..

George Lucas: May the Force be with You… Life & Lessons

George Lucas WideIf you’ve never seen a ‘Star Wars’ or ‘Indiana Jones’ movie you’re missing out because love them or hate them, they are a prime example of what it means to create a product that is the best in its field!

Creation is an escape from the concrete world around us and if you can create an escape for all kinds of people, for the whole 120 minutes that your movie is on, you’re successful. If you can create that escape for much longer than that first year the movie comes out, you’re a genius. And that’s exactly what George Lucas did within his films.

Not only do the movies appeal to all kinds of people across generations, they also changed the face of sci-fi fiction. And that’s what ‘creating’ is all about – being innovative in a way that the people like.

As one of the most successful and well known American screenwriters, directors, producers and entrepreneurs George Lucas is at the prime of his field and has shaped the movie world for the inheritance of future generations. For these reasons I figured it’s about time that I bring him to your attention here at One Life Success. » Read more..

John Green on How to Make Things & Why (Video)

I’ll be honest, when I clicked on this video I intended only to view the first ten minutes. But as time progressed, I got absorbed in what Green had to say about the process of creation and came to realise that it went hand in hand with what we encourage here at One Life Success.

I’m sure you’re all aware that the book sensation ‘The Fault in our Stars’ was released into (English) cinema last week, but if your not I still recommend this video because the author of the book, Mr John Green, really captures the essence of creation in his talk about: why we do it, why we should do it and how we do it.

Whether you’re a writer or not, this video is inspiring for any person who wishes to challenge themselves creatively and get inspired by what it means to create. So grab a notebook and take a listen. What does creativity mean to you? How can you challenge yourself? Why do you create?

Wrote by Aimee Hall  -  Follow us  -  Comment Below!

Inspires Me: The World Cup Bond… We Are One

2014 World Cup Brazil InspirationThe 2014 World Cup has been live in Brazil for officially 7 days today and we’ve seen both some amazing scenes of sport but also some extraordinary shows of support and bond too.

I’m from the UK and so ofcourse, I support England. Approximately 5000 British supporters flew out to see our opening match in the middle of the rainforest last week and many millions more have been watching eagerly around the world, to see their home teams play as well.

But this post is not about Football or Fifa, or even about countries or nationalities specifically, but rather the support shown, the bond brought and the atmosphere created around the world by such an extravagant and important event.

Regardless of its cost or point, I don’t think anyone could disagree that the world cup as a whole plays an amazing role in the ever increasing world bond we have. And it’s this world bondnwhich it creates, that inspires me and I want to talk to you about today. » Read more..

Warren Buffet: The Ideal Investor… Life & Lessons

Warren Buffet Life & Lessons HeaderWarren Buffet, also known as the ‘Oracle of Omaha’ is one of the world richest and most successful men. He made his first investment at just age 11 before beginning his first small business by age 13.

But this was just the start; as Buffet would go on to make his forthcoming fortune through a large series of smart investments spanning his lifetime ahead. In this post, I’ll be discussing both the life and lessons of Warren Buffet and his success.

Warren Buffet: Life Biography

Warren Edward Buffet was born on 30th August 1930, in Omaha, Nebraska to his parents Howard and Leila Stahl Buffet. Buffet’s father worked as a stockbroker in his own local shop, while his mother was a homemaker. Buffet had 2 sisters, but was the only boy in the family.

From an early age Buffet showed a lot of interest and skill in financial and business doings, with an outstanding skill in mathematics and mental arithmetic; and the ability to add large columns of numbers together in his head. » Read more..

Father’s Day at One Life Success: Our Top Four Inspirational Dads

Happy Fathers Day Inspirational In case you didn’t know this Sunday is Father’s Day and although the event isn’t celebrated as largely as it should be, here at One Life Success we think it’s important to think about the role that Father’s play in our society and the importance of a work life balance.

Being motivated to achieve is a great thing, but it doesn’t guarantee success. To be a successful person you have to be in for the dream for all the right reasons. And that’s what this post is all about.

The Actor, Rapper, Writer & Activist: One Life Success’ Top Four Inspirational Dads

The Fathers that I’ve chose to write about today have nothing in common about their field of work, but what they do have in common is a value for work life balance and family.

One of the greatest lessons you can learn as a potential world changer is that you do not have to sacrifice your career to have a family or to enjoy the more simple things in life. And, more often than not, these simple things can act as a great inspiration source for your work.

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