Julie Burstein: Four Lessons in Creativity (Video)

In order to create, we have to stand in that space between what we see in the world, and what we hope for.

Julie Burstein has always been fascinated by the process of creativity and spends most of her working week trying to discover more about it through her writing, blogging and radio show producing. Not only is Burnstein now the author of one of the most impressive self-development books of all time (Spark: How Creativity Works) she is also the founder of Studio 360 Radio Station and  pursuitofspark.com, both of which are brilliant resources for the creative individual.

As a developing entrepreneur, Burstein is full of questions about the challenges and rewards that creativity bring and is always keen to shed some light on the answers she has found. In this video you can see Burstein in action as she shares four of her top tips for encouraging rather than diminishing creativity.

If you’re looking for a deeper sense of what creation is all about, why not click the link below and get watching. To watch more videos like this click here.