Zeeshaan Shah on Success – A Special Interview


Zeeshaan Shah, also known as Zee, is well accustomed to success and its traits regardless of his latest loss at the firing of himself by Alan Sugar in this years Apprentice. Zee, asserting himself as an “over achiever” and “a man of principles” on the show has previously dealt in many higher level management teams in the UK and made huge success in the Dubai property scene.

After taking hold of the reins in Episode 5 of the series, it all ended bad for Zee after team mistakes were made. Zee was a charismatic guy throughout but was often criticised for his high levels of self belief, stating at one point “I’m a believer in my own power and I believe that what ever my mind can conceive, I can achieve.” This just shows the kind of man were talking about and I believe the kind of man due to succeed.

I found Zee to have the mindset of a winner; even wearing a shirt stating “Life’s a competition” at one point. And so, intrigued by his mindset and risk taking success in the Dubai property market, I got in touch asking for his top three tips for success; and here they are from the man himself.

Embrace Failure

The first of Zee’s key principles is to ‘Embrace Failure’, telling me “The most successful people in the world are the ones who have failed. Don’t be afraid to fail.” This attitude towards failure lie’s parallel to his solid wall of self-belief and his mindset of success. He, myself and many other success aimers/achievers a like believe that no failure or issue can get in the way of our overall journey and that we will eventually, after one failure or a million, reach our aims. This attitude towards failure is paramount to the success of anyone.


“Persistence beats resistance” says Zee, “No matter what life throws at you, keep going. Inevitably success will be yours.” This makes sense and is something evidently important in the journey to success of all people successful. Closely linked to and endorsing the principle of dealing with and overcoming failure, persistence is certainly a key to success; and a well proven one at that. If you never give up, then you can never truly of failed right? And one day you will succeed, as Zee says, its inevitable.


Progression is something not so commonly spoke about as a principle for success, but it is one that’s imperative to any individual and their success. “It doesn’t matter if you don’t always know your destination,” Zee told me, “the most important thing is that you keep moving forward.” And this is so true, though not commonly said. The journey to success is like a rolling coin, once it slows and stops, then all momentum is lost and its so easy (and common!) to fall. So simply, don’t let it and keep moving forward.

A Final Comment

20130601-185234.jpgEnding our chat with a final comment, Zee told me “Most importantly be a doer, everyone loves someone who tries. Follow your dreams, believe and try, theres no shame in failing.” and I think this quote talks for its self. There is no shame in taking a risk and failing, because the real risk and failure is in taking no action at all.

Zee’s Quote of the Day: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas Edison

What are your opinions on success and its achievement? Let us know with a comments below!

Wrote by Joe Brown