Three Steps to Awakening the Giant Within

So in the last few days, inline with my goal of reading 12 books this year, I received another new book. This time, I’ve chosen to read a book on a subject I love and know, rather then just a subject I want to know more about. My latest addition to the collection is “Awaken the Giant Within” by Anthony Robbins.

Anthony, or Tony as I’ll refer to him for the rest of this post, is a well-known guy all over the world for his abilities in self-empowerment and making people realize and work on their dreams.

Tony Robbins“We all have dreams…” he says at the beginning of the book, “At one time in our lives, we all had a vision for the quality of life that we desire and deserve.” But he goes on to talk about the reality, “Yet, for many of us, those dreams have become so shrouded in the frustrations and routines of daily life that we no longer even make an effort to accomplish them.”

And really that’s what Tony Robbins (and his book) is all about. Bringing people back to their dreams and empowering them through the mind and strategies to accomplish them.

How To Create Lasting Change

In the first chapter of the book, following the introduction of himself and what he does, he speaks about change. After all, that’s what the whole book’s about right?

Tony gives the three steps to creating lasting change and why he relies on them for all of the work he does. The following are his three steps to create change.

Raise Your Standards

According to Tony Robbins, and actually when you think about it, the rules of life too… to improve your life you must raise your standards. And only by raising your standards and excepting nothing less, will you also raise your quality of life and achievement.

“When people ask me what really changed my life 8 years ago, I tell them that absolutely the most important thing was changing what I demanded of myself.” He says, “I wrote down all the things I would no longer except in my life, all the things I would no longer tolerate, and all the things that I aspired to becoming.”

Think about all those from the past, “Leonardo da Vinci, Abraham Lincoln, Helen Keller, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Albert Einstein…” as Tony lists just a few, Any and all of them raised their standards in the act of change, and as proven, it must make the difference.

Change Your Limiting Beliefs

So once you’ve decided on change and raised your standards, you must also change your limiting belief. Raising your standards is worthless if you don’t believe you can meet them. “You wont even try,” says Tony, “You’ll be lacking that sense of certainty that allows you to tap into the deepest capacity that’s within you.”

And that why you must change your beliefs, to believe, to truly believe and have faith in your ability to meet you standards and achieve your goals.

Change Your Strategy

And the last (but not least!) step of lasting change is to change your strategy. Once you’ve raised your standards, set your aims and found a true belief in your ability to meet them, you must now adapt your long-term strategy and implement some new short term ones to help you achieving the aims you’ve set.

This could be by creating a log book and planner like me or by any other way you come up with. You should also include some daily rituals into your strategy; such as watching motivational videos each day, which implement a sense of certainty and inspiration into your life.


I’m only 25 pages into this book, but up to yet it seems a great one. I can’t recommend it yet, but I feel like I should. Anthony Robbins is an inspiration speaker and a guy who has changed many peoples lives, including mine from the beginning.

Maybe the steps above will aid you in securing the life you want, or if not inspire you into learning more. Why not grab a cheap copy from eBay and Awaken Your Giant Within?

Wrote by Joe Brown