3 Life Lessons from the “Fast & Furious” Films Franchise

Paul WalkerYesterday was the funeral of Actor & philanthropist Paul Walker, also known as Brain O’Connor from the Fast & Furious films series, after he was killed two weeks ago in a car crash following a charity event in California.

Loved by all that knew him and who watched the Fast & Furious films he was in, he played the role of Brain O’Connor, a cop and then ex-cop in the series alongside fellow actors Vin Diesel, Jordana Brewster and more. Below is the tribute video released by the producers of the series just last week, to commemorate, celebrate and remember his life and work in the Fast and Furious films he played such a big part in.

In remembrance of his life and love for the road, I last week, like many other fans around the world watched the series from start to finish again. I’ve enjoyed the films since their first ever release but in this post it’s not that that I want to focus on, but instead the lessons that they can teach us; regardless of the crime-ridden storylines they lead.

3 Lessons from the ‘Fast & Furious’ Franchise

Taking Chances

The first lesson from the Fast and Furious films is their fearlessness of the characters to take chances on the road to their mission. Now, does that mean taking the chance of skipping a red light in the real world is a good idea to take away? Certainly not. But being fearless enough to take those chances in our lives that we have to too have any hope of success is.

And, whether that’s saying yes to a job offer in another country or no to a dinner date in this one, taking the chance you believe is right, is vital to success is something seen done often in the Fast and Furious Films.

Family (including Friends)

The Fast and Furious FamilyFamily is always something I’ve had trouble accepting and understanding in my life to yet, but to me the family of the film (and this includes their friends) show just how family should be. Regardless of strains or stress, they stick together and fight for each other; they fight to be the winning party.

In the tribute above, Dom (played by vin Diesel) is shown saying “The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room, right here, right now.” And he means it, he is the pack leader, the one who they all respect but also the one which holds his family together and who also has the most respect back for them to.

A Strong Sense of Purpose

Purpose is vital for any life or story of success, but in this film it’s full of it. Although they all have slightly different purposes to begin with, as the films go on they finish parallel and they all share their two main purposes together.

Dom Toretto and Brian O'Connor on Cars - Fast and FuriousThe first, as you may have guessed is family. And their second is as you may also have guessed, cars and racing. During words between Dom and Owen Shaw, Dom’s new enemy in the Fast 6 film… Shaw tells Dom of how his ‘love and devotion to his his family makes his actions expected’, Dom agrees but replies with “At least when I die I’ll know what for.”

This strong, strong sense of purpose is what keeps these guys going and is mostly likely along with their immense skill, luck and the other lessons here, what keeps them alive and successful in what they do.


Although it’s just a film and in most ways an unrealistic one at that, these great films and the mad actions from the people within them can teach us many lessons, whether intended or not!

I’m sure myself and many others around the globe will continue to love and watch these films, only wishing Paul was still around to carry on playing his character in them; but for now, thanks for reading and learn life’s lessons!

Wrote by Joe Brown