New Year, New Start: Twelve Self-Development Books to Put on Your Christmas List this Year…

As I’m sure you’re all aware, it’s almost the end of another hard-working year and more importantly, time for another Christmas!

But bear in mind, whilst your celebrating your successes with family, friends, presents and that all important Christmas roast, it’s also time a time to consider all that you’ve learnt through-out the year. And what better way to get prepared for the New Year than to curl up by the fire, mince pie in one hand and thick-as-a-brick Self-Development book in the other.

Man reading a book with christmas tree in the backgroundSo, with this in mind, here at One Life Success, we’ve picked out twelve of our favourite self-development, creative and entrepreneurial books; one for each of the 2014 months.We’ve chose our books according to the ones that we thought highlighted the topics covered in our blog this year, in the most approachable way, to encourage you to view 2013 as a stepping stone. Whether you’re year was good, or bad. Remember, there’s always room to learn more, and hopefully this combination of logic and discovery will help you have a successful 2014. 
Related Post: 5 Influences of Reading Books for the Self-Developer
But wait! If you’re not a big reader, don’t fret. We catered for those of you out there who aren’t quite the bookworm just yet and all the books listed below come under a multiple combination of topics and styles, including all-exercise books, all-anecdote books and some with a mix of the two.

A Self-Development Stocking: Get Reading this New Year…

Aimee’s 6 New Year Reads…

1) P.U.S.H for Success by Saira Khan:I recommend this book for anyone looking to get more organised and pro-active in the New Year. P.U.S.H describes both Saira’s journey to Business success and here various techniques and exercises that you can do and use yourself to discover your inner-self.(Read my full Review of P.U.S.H for Success, here)2) Finding Square Holes by Anita Houghton:If you’re dissatisfied with your life position, or unsure of what route you want to take in the future, Finding Square Holes is for you. The book is predominately self-discovery exercises, but along with this, Houghton provides anecdotes from her past experience as a careers advisor to help you build confidence in your decisions.(Read my full Review of Finding Square Holes, here)

3) What Colour Is Your Parachute by Richard Nelson Bolles: Again, like Finding Square Holes, I recommend this book for anyone who is looking to find a path unique to them. This book is slightly more philosophical (and lengthy) than Square Holes, so it’s perhaps a book for the more creative or spiritually minded.

Steven King on Writing, book4) On Writing by Steven King: This book is not just for writers and fans of King’s work (although there is a section, ‘On Writing‘ that I believe every writer should read) but this book is for anyone who wants to learn about the power of creation and a productive mind.

And the biography part of the book (about two thirds worth) provides an interesting insight into how much one man’s passion can get him to the top of his field.

(For more on Steven King, click here)

5) The Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J.R.R Tolkein: Yes, a fictional book series. No, I’m not pulling the wool over your eyes. There is much to learn from it from the Lord of the Rings, or more the mastery behind its production.

Whenever you’re feeling like the work is getting to hard, or heavy. Just open the first few pages of the Fellowship of the Ring and think about the sacrifices Tolkein made in his lifetime so you could be welcomed into the world of Lord of the Rings, with its own maps and languages.

(For more on Tolkein, click here)

6) Get Unstuck – Little Tips to Unlocking Creativity by Wells Baum: This book costs just under £2 to buy on Kindle, but I assure you, if you’re getting a Kindle device for Christmas, it will be one of the most worthwhile downloads to have. This little treasure, isn’t demanding much of your time or energy, (great for non-readers and busy Self-Developers) but it does do what it says on the tin and provides quality ways in which you can make you mind broader and more flexible, helping you’re with your new projects for the year ahead.

Joe’s 6 New Year Reads…

So here’s my little feature in Aimee’s post, but before I begin, I have something to confess. For those of you, who have a particular dislike to reading or even don’t read a lot, I feel your pain because I feel exactly the same. However, this year I’ve had the aim of reading 1 book a month on any subject I feel interesting.So while not all of the books below may be interesting to you, or even directly related to Self-Development like Aimee’s, they have been interesting and some also inspirational to me and I believe they’ve broadened my mind to be more innovative for the future to. So here goes!1) Steve Jobs’ Biography by Walter Isaacson:This biography is essentially a biography like any other, but it’s the best biography I’ve ever read. Partly because of the way it’s written, but mostly because of the inspirational life story it explains. Starting from pior to his birth and ending at his death, this biography covers all of the events and inspirational happenings of the Steve Jobs life story, including his own exclusive thoughts and opinions and the words of many of the people he worked with and knew.Duncan Bannatyne - Riding the Storm: My Journey to the Brink and Back (Front Cover)2) Riding the Storm by Duncan Bannatyne: Duncan Bannatyne is one of the most famous and successful entrepreneurs in the UK, and a dragon on the program Dragons Den (the UK version of Shark Tank). Having created huge success for himself and his family in the past, during the last few years he has been hit by a storm.

With the financial crisis of 2008 hitting his business and its loans hard, and the recent divorce from his wife emotionally and financially crippling, Bannatyne talks openly in his book about how he’s got through it and rode the storm out. It’s an inspirational story and he now believes he’s on the ride track back to happiness and further long-lasting success with his family and his business.

(Read my full review of Riding the Storm, here)

3) Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins: Although I’m still yet to finish this book, it’s a very educational book and teaches you the tools to take control of yourself, change your life and achieve success in your life. Titled ‘Awaken the Giant Within’, Tony Robbins goes through the many theories of mind and motivation to bring out a new you, ready to achieve all that you want to.

Tycoon by Peter Jones4) Tycoon by Peter Jones: In Tycoon Jones, again another successful entrepreneur from the UK show Dragon Den, talks about his road to success and how anyone else who aims to can achieve it to.

He talks about the principle of being a tycoon and how in his opinion ‘Entrepreneurs are made and not born’. This book is a fantastic book for anyone with a passion for business, or who simply wants to improve their knowledge of entrepreneurship.

5) The Undercover Economist by Tim Harford: This book is not related to success or self-development at all, but for me currently studying Economics and interested in business it was an interesting read. Covering all of the economics we take part in but rarely realise in our everyday lives, the book gives us an insight into the economic occurrences of our world. For me, being interested in business it came together well but I believe also, that due to its applicability to both our general lives and the business world it’s a good read for anybody.

6) How to Be Smart with Your Time by Duncan Bannatyne: If you ever feel like you could do more with your time, or like you need more of it full stop then this book is perfect for you. Explaining his theories of time and how he makes the most of his, Duncan Bannatyne is the perfect writer for such a book; being the busy and successful entrepreneur he is.

So that’s my top 6 books for you to read over the Christmas break and into the New Year. Even if not for you, I hope you can still appreciate the information within them and benefits they have had for me.

Back to you Aimee!

Thanks Joe, so reading is a great way to broaden your self-knowledge because you can continue your discovery anywhere, anytime, on the go. So put a book on your list this year and get ready to celebrate, learn and achieve your One Life Success in 2014!

Further Reading: 5 Influences of Books for the Self-Developer.

Wrote by Aimee Hall (Featuring Joe Brown!)