8 Top Tips For… Feedback – Giving & Receive Feedback

Giving and Receiving Feedback tips

Giving and receiving feedback is one of the most important tools used in any kind of management. It’s also one of the most under-used. Whether your writing a novel, building a website or simply, trying to get a promotion, working with feedback is a great opportunity to bring quality to the work produced and to help you set accurate goals.

Whether your giving it out or receiving it yourself, it’s a great opportunity for the target to discover weak spots in their performance and build up confidence in themselves. Feedback can motivate, give guidance to and increase productivity in people when given properly.

But just as constructive feedback can help you to learn and improve yourself, un-constructive or poorly given feedback can damage the target. It’s a difficult skill to learn. But it’s a skill well worth the time developing.

When Giving

1. Describe the Situation, Not the Person

A behaviour can be changed, but a personality cannot. To prevent distress or defence, always address the ways in which someone can improve an element that is possible to change. Being sensitive in the impact of your message, is as important as the message itself.

2. Focus on the Positive.

Always ensure that you are appreciative of the person if the feedback is positive and concerned if it is not. This makes the feedback more sincere and constructive. Chances are the person will listen more and accept it more positively if you deliver it more positively yourself.

3. Provide Alternatives

Rather than just listing the problems, form an action plan. Show the person how they can benefit and learn from what you’ve said, ways in which they can improve their performance and behaviour.

4. Be Direct

Limit your feedback to key points. It’s to hard to examine multiple issues at once and it can be overwhelming to the person. So always ensure that your feedback has a purpose. By being clear about what you are giving feedback on, you can easily link it to the desired performance outcomes.

When Receiving

1. Listen & Accept Positively for Consideration

Hearing feedback is a great way to learn about yourself. By considering and acting on it you can gain from other’s experiences and thoughts also, so always try to listen carefully for ways in which you can improve your performance and behaviour. This will aid you in becoming a more valuable person.

2. Assume That it is Constructive until Proven Otherwise

Take on board any views for consideration, and seek to understand. It’s important that you don’t become over-emotional or defensive towards the speaker.

3. Pause & Think Before You Respond

Never take feedback personally. Remember that the person giving it, is giving it for a reason so always ensure that you are receiving the feedback at a time when you are calm and un-rushed.

4. Take Feedback at Face Value.

Always ensure that you are receiving feedback from people that you trust and respect. If a statement doesn’t make sense to you, say so and ask for clarification and examples. After all, feedback is a perspective so it’s important to take it at face value.

So let’s put it into practise! Next time your working on something, ask for feedback from someone you can trust. Equally, when managing, ensure that whoever your managing knows exactly what they can do to be the best that they can be. Good luck!

Wrote by Aimee Hall