Why You Should Expand Your Knowledge & Read About New Things

Ok, so for the last few days I’ve finally (after waiting a week longer for delivery then expected!) began reading my new book.

The book, by a guy called Robbie Burns AKA ‘The Naked Trader’ as the book is called, is all about the stock market and trading shares. It covers many topics within the markets including Spreads, Normal market size, Capital gains tax, PE ratio’s, Market caps and whole lot more complicated and boring sounding things. But the point is…

Boring, it’s really not! The topic is something I have for a while now been intresting in learning about and one that I’ve always held so many questions about. So a few weeks ago, I decided to buy the book and have a read. I may or not ever use what it teaches me, but I think what it does is also going to be intresting for me to know. Especially with my ambitions in business!

So, from me to you… get out there (or online even!) and buy yourself a book in a subject that you’ve never learnt about but one you’ve always wanted to. Never know, you might just learn something new and change your life’s direction for the future.

Keep up to Date with the Progress I’m Making with this Book on Twitter: 

By Joe Brown