Inspirational Playlist: Soundtrack Set Two

Inspirational Music/PlaylistWelcome to post two of the Inspirational Playlist series. In this post, I will follow on from the first post of the series (which you can find here) and share with you another 10 soundtracks from my Inspirational Soundtrack Playlist on my iPhone.

If you would like to find out more about the playlist, why I keep it, add to it and how I made it, then check out my first introductory post to the series here.

10 More Inspirational Playlist Soundtracks

I hope you enjoy the soundtrack videos below, but remember; these are the soundtracks and videos, which are inspiring to me. They may not be for you and in that case, why not look on YouTube for some of your own? Anyway, here goes and I hope you enjoy!

For the Previous 10 Soundtracks… Click Here.

11. Good Life – One Republic
12. The Best Motivation
13. Counting Starts – One Republic
14. Do The Best You Can – Jim Rohn
15. Spectrum – Florence & The Machine
16. Why Not You, Why Not Now – Jim Rohn
17. That’s Life – Frank Sinantra
18. Barack Obama – Best Moments
19. Ain’t No Stopping Us – McFadden
20. Lessons of the Seasons – Jim Rohn

Thanks for viewing and listening to the above soundtracks from my Inspirational Playlist. If you’d like to see more, then check out the other posts in our ‘Inspirational Playlist’ series here, and remember you could always create your own!

For the Previous 10 Soundtracks… Click Here.

Wrote by Joe Brown  -  Follow Me  -  Leave Your Comment Below!