A Christmas Refresh! Begin Acting on Your Long Lost Idea’s from the Past Year Now!

It’s the 27th December and I hope you’ve all had a great Christmas!

As many of you will also have had, I’ve this week had time away from the normal routines of life and I well I can tell you now, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it. But it’s not my enjoyment of the Christmas week that I won’t to talk about today, but instead how I’ve come to refresh my mind and re-plan for the new year by cutting away from my normal daily routine of life this week.

My Christmas Refresh

A Christmas Refresh Bauble

Having broken up last Thursday, I spent a few days at home to visit family and buy the last few presents I needed to before travelling to Wales on Monday for two weeks of sweet bliss. Since then we’ve had Christmas Eve, Christmas its self and Boxing day and I’ve enjoyed the break away, the time with friends and of-course the magnificent food too!

But yesterday night after a long and thoughtful shower I came to think back to my work and projects again, and more importantly a project idea which I came up with over a year ago now. When it came to mind back then as an idea, I wrote it in my notebook and it became just one of those ‘I’ll look at it one day’ idea’s, but last night, after that shower I actually did come to look at it and I think it’s a great one.

I had a few idea’s while in the shower and with my phone on the shelf just outside, I quickly typed them down. Then when I was out and back on my laptop I wrote up my idea’s and let my creative juices flow. One idea after another, and I soon had a 4 page plan set up.

What the project would create, how it would be created, who I would create it with and how I could use it once it was complete. I’m glad I did this as it’s not only brought the idea back to life and gave me another project to work on, but also gave me a big boost of motivation since to get back to it in the new year and make the idea a reality.

Now that was my Christmas refresh, but what about yours?

Your Christmas Refresh

I know Christmas has gone, but the Christmas break certainly hasn’t! And whether you’ve had a similar experience to me or not this holiday, it’s not too late.

Have you ever had any ideas in your life that you either did or didn’t write down, but that have just been lurking there in the background ever since? Well now is the time to look back over them. So why not do what I did and have a little think.

Remind yourself of the idea you’d had and see what comes to mind, then find a place of peace where you can forget about everything else but this idea. For me this place was the shower, but for you it could be the conservatory, the bath or even a walk around the block, but where ever it is just go there, chill, relax and think for a little while.

Once you’re there and really chilled, calm, and still focused, go over you’re idea from start to finish and brainstorm (quite literally) anything you think of. Once you’ve had a few new thoughts, write them down and read through them, repeating over and over again.

But remember, although it’s important to let your mind flow and explore the thoughts and idea’s it has, it’s also a must to keep it focused on the ideas you’ve had and to stop it from wondering onto other things. If you find that you have then stop, re-focus and begin again.

Perhaps with a Christmas refresh and a new idea, you’re new year relay could be the year of your life and the one that makes you the success that you so want and strive to be!

Further Christmas Reading: New Year, New Start: 12 Self-Development Books to Put on Your Christmas List this Year

Wrote by Joe Brown