Location, Location, Location: Three Perfect Places for the Creative Entrepreneur…

Entrepreneurial Locations and HubsThe Wizard of Oz, by Frank Baum, is a classic book and film adaptation most well known for its strange collection of characters and Dorothy’s red sparkly shoes. But what’s underrated about the Wizard of Oz is its catch phrase “there’s no place like home.” It’s everywhere; from those domestic wall plaques we buy for Mother’s day to the lips of every 9-5 worker who hates their working life. But today I want you to throw away that statement.

As a potential world-changer you shouldn’t be looking for comfort in your future. Comfort isn’t success. Being the best you can be is success. And that means if your spending your days looking forward to the weekend or what you have for dinner after work, you’re on the wrong track because your soul aim should be to feel fulfilled by every aspect of your day and your life.

The home does not provide fulfilment’ it provides your most basic needs. And although it’s not always possible for us to leave everything behind and head for the big apple, as someone aiming to be the best you should be forever looking to live somewhere that will provide you with the advantages you need to be better than that other guy in the interview or that other guy who wants funds for his business or that other guy who wants to write a book.

In this post I will share with you three places that I believe can fuel your productivity; places with low cost of living, easy access to funding and all the experiences needed to make your creative work better. Whether you’re looking for a holiday or a place to live; this selection should give you a good idea about what to look for if you’re ready to take a leap.

New York, Davao and Atlanta : Three Perfect Creative & Entrepreneurial Landscapes…

1) New York City: Top Choice for Writers 

Anyone who knows me, knows that I couldn’t leave out New York City in this list and that’s not just because I fell for lady Liberty herself (which I quite obviously have) but also because New York City is one of the best places for people with dreams to thrive.

America in itself proudly celebrates entrepreneurship, self-employment and self-made wealth. But New York City is the best example of the American dream in my eyes because it offers all of this and experience.

Your Startup Here - New York

Unlike anywhere else in the world, New York City is the symbol of success. If you make it there, you can make it anywhere. It’s a challenge. It’s a place to risk everything for. It’s a sacrifice. But in New York, the harder it is for you to climb, the bigger the pay back and this can do wonders for your self-esteem.

New York City is particularly a good area for writers to find their fame, riches and success because although the competition means it’s harder to find funding, the big apple does offer diversity down to its core and can provide you with opportunities and memories that competitors and that guy could only dream of.

Everywhere you go there’s something new to inspire the creator. It has it all. And what better way to stay motivated than to throw yourself in the deep end and become submersed in the entrepreneurial culture. If you can keep up, if you’re the fittest, you’ll survive. And if you survive I can guarantee that mindset, the memories, the experience will stay with you and that’s why writers – from your Harper Lee to your Cheryl Strayed – are moving from all around the world to fulfil their success in the big city.

It’s every writer’s dream (including mine) to get there. But really it’s the perfect place for any entrepreneur looking to balance creativity with productivity too.

Related Reading: The Pros & Cons of Living in a Big City

2) Davao City: Top Choice for Start-Ups…

If your just starting out into the world of business, you’re going to want somewhere with a cheap cost of living and equally availably networking opportunities and what better place to start than Davao in the south of the Philippines? Davao isn’t well known for being somewhere that’s entrepreneur ready but I think it’s perfect for budding business brains with little savings because in Davao you can get a small apartment for less that $200 a month. Money isn’t everything, of course, but when starting up it’s important that you have as much money as possible to build your business.

Davao City EntrepreneurshipDavao offers this and the laid back environment had attracted computer wizards from all over the world; making it the perfect place to network and gather business associates. As an entrepreneur the first lesson you have to learn is that you have to work your way up from the bottom; to live on the necessities and make your business your life.

Although Davao isn’t as prestigious as your San Francisco’s and your New York Cities but many of it’s qualities are a bonus for people who are looking to find cheap plentiful digital, travel and business opportunities.

3) Atlanta: Top Choice for Balanced People…

Atlanta isn’t well known for its support of entrepreneurial activity, yet recent research has suggested that the city has had the second largest increase in start-up activity in the world and although it often takes a back seat to your San-Francisco and New York City (much like Davao) Atlanta is one of the best resources of technological infrastructure and comes again with the added bonus of cheap living costs.

Startup AtalantaAs the most populated city in the whole of Georgia, Atlanta has more than enough talent and paying customers to set up an efficient business or project. The people in Atlanta are also highly educated meaning there is more availability for you to make business collaborations whilst you’re over there.

As a result of the rise in start-up activity, Atlanta is building on its start-up support, becoming more generous with its loans and gathering itself quite a friendly social-business climate. What this means is that it’s generous to entrepreneurs in a practical sense (like Davao) but also provides the work-ethic bonuses of New York City to provide a location that is truly the best of both worlds.

And the best thing about Atlanta? It’s getting better. As the population and number of entrepreneurs rise it’s easier and easier for inhabitants to set up a business and freelance careers over there. Not only does it have the

fastest growing airport (great for international business and gathering creative inspiration) but it also sports a pool of access to universities and technology opportunities which are all great elements for forward-thinking people who want to build on their skills and talents.

Conclusion: Culture, Cost & Having the Courage to Fly…

Whether it’s the culture, the opportunities or the low cost of living that attracts to make the leap; there are plenty of reasons why you, a potential world-changer, should make a home abroad. Location is vital to the motivated individual because it can, in a logical sense, encourage you to develop a working mindset and, in a creative sense, inspire you with the enriching and unique memories it reaps.

But if you don’t have the money, the lifestyle or even the desire to get on that plane remember; location may matter but what really matters is you. You will be a talented writer/artist/businessman wherever you go. It’s up to you to know yourself and go about creating a setting that will give you the most confidence to shape your one life success.

Related Reading: The Pros & Cons of Living in a Big City

So, before you head of to work today or wherever you’re going, ask yourself whether you’re current position – literally or philosophically – fuels where you’re going and who you want to be.  In ten years (with the stimuli, the work ethic and the opportunities your current environment provides you with) will you be where you need to be? If the answer is no, watch this space for more top places for the motivationally minded.

Wrote by Aimee Hall   –   Follow us   –   Add Your Comment Below!