Archive for Personal Philosophy

Philosophy: Where & Why Philosophy is Important to Greatness (An Intro)

Personal PhilosophyBefore we start this post and in fact this series, I must say, I’m no philosopher and I have no degree in Philosophy… however, what I do have is an inspired mind and one full of real life philosophy – yet one that’s still learning and developing today.

I’ve been studying philosophy and the philosophies of people all my life, without even realizing it. And so have you. When we grow up, we grow up developing our philosophies, which will guide us for the whole of our lives, based on the philosophies we see and perceive of others around us.

We are what we are from both nature and nurture, but I believe our philosophy comes mostly from the nurture, from our environment, from the people that surround us.

Jim Rohn, not a philosopher but certainly a man with a great philosophy once said, “Character isn’t something you were born with and can’t change, like your fingerprints. It’s something you weren’t born with and must take responsibility for forming.” » Read more..