Tag Archive for Entrepreneur

Mark Zuckerberg: The Introvert Who Revolutionised Social… Life & Lessons

Zuckerberg FacebookMark Zuckerberg is well known for his phenomenal success and the large part that he played in the online-social revolution, after co-founding and creating Facebook from his dorm during college. Facebook has grown ever since, now has a user base of over 250 million people and has made Mark a billionaire in the process.

Mark Zuckerberg: Life Biography

On May 14th, 1984, Mark Zuckerberg was born in White Plains, New York in to a well-educated family and grew up in the village of Dobbs Ferry, nearby. His mother worked as a psychiatrist previous to the birth of Mark and his siblings – Randi, Donna and Arielle, and his father ran a local dental practice attached to the family home.

Mark first developed an interest in computers at an early age, first using Atari BASIC at around age 12 to create a messaging program, which he nicknamed ‘Zucket.’ His father then used the program in his dental practice, so that his receptionist could inform him of a new patient without shouting through the practice.

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Recommended Book Review: P.U.S.H for Success

This is a very easy book to read and gives very simple hints and tips which I believe have helped me to achieve my dreams and hope can also help you achieve yours.

Remember Saira Khan? Star of the hit BBC TV series The Apprentice, Khan was a bit different from the other contestants. She was innovative, ballsy, loud and could handle Alan Sugar like no other.

Naturally she stood out of the crowd and oozed a ‘can do’ attitude that clearly showed everyone watching that this woman knew exactly what she wanted and was going to push at all costs to get it.

Wouldn’t believe this strong successful woman began life in a places where ‘the man was regarded as the leader and provider of the home’ would you?

In a world so far away from the one she took by storm, Saira began life in a town with no electricity or water pipes. She built herself up around inspiration to be different, grew determined from the high standards her father set and made no excuses. The past was simply a mould to grow with. Failure wasn’t an option. » Read more..

Life Lessons from Steve Jobs: Quotes About Life Lessons

Steve Jobs Lessons

With the recent release of ‘Jobs’ the film in the States (and I assume soon to be released in the UK) following the life of Steve Jobs, from his early adopted childhood to his successes as an adult. I thought, it would be a good time to cover and recap on all of the advice and lessons from Steve Jobs that he has taught and given us over the years; some of which are sure to be shown in the film.

Being a techie kind of guy myself and interested highly in both the media and business, Steve Jobs has been a huge idol to me ever since a child. With his quirky ways (a few of which I could always even relate to myself) and his huge impression on technology, business and the media, he was a fascination and an inspiration.

Steve has always tried to teach others, contrary to the well publicised and in some case’s true image making him out to be a stiff and cruel man. Giving numerous lectures and interviews over the years, and a well known Stanford commencement address in 2008, there are a lot of quotes about life lessons from Steve Jobs to be learnt. I’ve listed a few below. » Read more..

Steve Jobs – How To Be Intelligent

Steve Jobs Academy of Achievement

“Have you ever thought about what it is to be intelligent?” Steve once said at The American Academy of Achievement many years ago. Speaking on general success, as well as life impacts on the world, innovation and creativity, Steve explained his views on what it really is to be intelligent.


To begin with, Steve suggests how memory is often an important and in fact vital factor of intelligence, saying “It seems to me, a lot of it seems to be memory.” Although this is not his main point, it is certainly one to recognise.

After all, every bit of information we know is stored in our memory. It’s something that a lack of would destroy us, but that with good levels of can also enhance and improve us. » Read more..

Succeed like Steve: Six Ways to Succeed like Steve Jobs

“Steve’s brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve.” - Apple

A picture of Steve JobsUnless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re bound to have noticed the dynamite impact that this exceptional man had on the world at some point in your life.

I never personally knew much about Steve Jobs until now, but after learning about how he changed the world from Joe, I guess he’s become quite an inspiration to me. And why? Because quite simply Steve changed the world! Leader of Apple, Steve jobs was not only a genius in several fields of industry but a hero to his employees and the people around him throughout his life. Famous for his ‘it has to be perfect’ attitude and ambitious and curious approach to inventing, he left the world a legend. » Read more..