Tag Archive for Guidance

My Life Quotes: Top 25 Inspirational Quotes About Life

The meaning of life and success is different for everyone and so is the path that each of us take to get there. We all feel flustered from time to time and feel misled in our ambitions, and that’s why I carry a set of my favorite inspirational quotes about life in my journal at all times; some of which I have got to share with you below.

My Top 25 Inspirational Quotes About Life


You only live once, but if you live it right, once is enough. – Joe E. Lewis

Winners never quit and quitters never win.Vince Lombardi (Also said by my school PE coach!) » Read more..

A Minimalists Guide to How Less is More

Can having less ‘things’ in less space lead to more happiness?

In the US it’s estimated that Americans have ‘three’ times the space in their homes today then they had 50 years ago. But along with this vast increase in space, comes the newly learnt phenomenon to buy and consume. By teaching ourselves to fill this space, especially in western countries we have become self-indulgent shopaholics.

What’s the Harm You May Ask?

Well with over indulgence in what we don’t need, what are we left with? Increased spending, debt, environmental footprints, and stress it would seem.

Minimalistic Thinking Mind MapDo you remember the good days in your life where you chilled in the college dorms with just a desk, bed and laptop? Travelled from hotel to hotel or just lived minimalistic and camped? It may seem impossible but this simplicity of life, enjoyment of freedom and increased efficiency of time could be brought back into your crazy life at any time, benefiting you in a whole lot of ways… » Read more..

Life Lessons from Steve Jobs: Quotes About Life Lessons

Steve Jobs Lessons

With the recent release of ‘Jobs’ the film in the States (and I assume soon to be released in the UK) following the life of Steve Jobs, from his early adopted childhood to his successes as an adult. I thought, it would be a good time to cover and recap on all of the advice and lessons from Steve Jobs that he has taught and given us over the years; some of which are sure to be shown in the film.

Being a techie kind of guy myself and interested highly in both the media and business, Steve Jobs has been a huge idol to me ever since a child. With his quirky ways (a few of which I could always even relate to myself) and his huge impression on technology, business and the media, he was a fascination and an inspiration.

Steve has always tried to teach others, contrary to the well publicised and in some case’s true image making him out to be a stiff and cruel man. Giving numerous lectures and interviews over the years, and a well known Stanford commencement address in 2008, there are a lot of quotes about life lessons from Steve Jobs to be learnt. I’ve listed a few below. » Read more..

My 3 Day Work Experience: Why You Should Take Every Opportunity

After being offered the opportunity for a work experience placement in my hometown of Wolverhampton a few weeks ago, I have this week spent 3 days in the placement.

Having taken up the offer keen to learn about the business and its vital skills, I spent 3 days in the Wolverhampton based estate agents Jackson Lile & Close, primarily with partner of the company Mr Close. Mr Close, an experienced estate agent, chartered surveyor and magistrate took me on in his work after an event held by our local rotary club lead to crossed paths.

Over the three days I was taken out on numerous house valuations, viewings and measure ups, educating me in the business of estate agency and in some ways opening my eyes to another way of business. Estate agency is well known as a people business, but to the extent I came to realise, I just did not know.

Having taken on the opportunity, I’ve not only learned about the business of estate agency, the property market and the many skills reflect-able into any business or situation. But also another insight into life from another view point. » Read more..

Steve Jobs – How To Be Intelligent

Steve Jobs Academy of Achievement

“Have you ever thought about what it is to be intelligent?” Steve once said at The American Academy of Achievement many years ago. Speaking on general success, as well as life impacts on the world, innovation and creativity, Steve explained his views on what it really is to be intelligent.


To begin with, Steve suggests how memory is often an important and in fact vital factor of intelligence, saying “It seems to me, a lot of it seems to be memory.” Although this is not his main point, it is certainly one to recognise.

After all, every bit of information we know is stored in our memory. It’s something that a lack of would destroy us, but that with good levels of can also enhance and improve us. » Read more..

The Best Way To Succeed – Fail Fast, Succeed Faster

Learn fast, fail fast, correct fast, and connect faster"

Fail fast“ is a phrase heard said often by successful people all over the world, but up until the last few weeks was a phrase I never really fully understood. I mean, not to say I didn’t understand the words, I did, I just hadn’t gained my own meaning for the term itself. But on a trip to Campus London a few weeks ago it all slipped into place.

Campus London is a seven story building in East-London run by Google for Entrepreneurs. It offers area’s for tech entrepreneurs and innovators to meet, socialise and develop. While there, both myself and Aimee received several talks and meets from a variety of entrepreneurs including a video conference with the head of the Campus . » Read more..

Why You Should Write A Life Mission Statement

Life Mission StatementInspirational. Motivational. Directive, and guiding. Mission statements are used in all companies around the world. They are used to give an overviewing feel of the aims of the company and to give a sample of the companies philosophy. But not only can they be used for companies, but lives too!

I have long been using life mission statements to guide and motivate my life. Ever had one of those days where you feel lost? This statement will guide you in your actions. Maybe you have just broke up with your girlfriend?

A life mission statement like this will help your move on in your life and make the right choices for your future. It gives you a set of points that will motivate and inspire you to work ahead into the direction you want. A life mission statement is the best way to give an overview of the life you want and way you’ll be heading to get there.

Below is my life mission statement… » Read more..