Tag Archive for Perseverance

Failure is Good: Why Failure is Good for the Self-Developer

Failure is GoodAn Introduction: What brought me to write this post today? 

No society rewards failure like it rewards success, because if we rewarded failure… then success in itself would be quite pointless! But the truth is that failure is good and failures are just as important as achievements in the creation of a unique nation or individual‘s success and I say this because failures, are learning curves. They teach us where we went wrong, so that we know what to right the next time and fundamentally, this teaching shapes the person we are today.

So Why Do We Push Failure Aside?

We neglect failures because they don’t make good history. Nobody wants to read about where their country went wrong, or where their idols fell down. The same way nobody wants to read about why their failing their exams or why their manuscript just isn’t up to scratch.

But history is still history. And failures are still failures. They still happened. And they have still shaped the world we live in today. So this post is all about why failure can actually be a great benefit to the self-developer and why we should never ignore our failures. Hopefully it will bring confidence to those of you who are currently at a low point in their life journey or just about to take their next big leap. » Read more..

Thomas Edison: The Man Who Lit The World… Life & Lessons

Time Thomas Edison Holding Light BulbWe’ve all heard of Thomas Edison, the iconic inventor, businessman and world changer, placed up there with the likes of Henry Ford, Steve Jobs and Albert Einstein. During his lifetime, he created some world changing inventions; such as the light bulb, and began industries; such as playable (on-demand) music, which we would be unable to live without today.

Thomas Edison achieved a huge amount in his life and did a lot for the human race. He once said “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration” and think we can all learn something from the great inventor, visionary and businessman he was.

Thomas Edison: Life Biography

Thomas Alva Edison was born on the 11th February 1847 in Milan, Ohio to parents Samuel Ogden Edison, Jr. and Nancy Mathews Elliot. His father was of Canadian origin but was forced to run away from Canada following his part in the unsuccessful Mackenzie Rebellion of 1837. » Read more..

Zeeshaan Shah on Success – A Special Interview


Zeeshaan Shah, also known as Zee, is well accustomed to success and its traits regardless of his latest loss at the firing of himself by Alan Sugar in this years Apprentice. Zee, asserting himself as an “over achiever” and “a man of principles” on the show has previously dealt in many higher level management teams in the UK and made huge success in the Dubai property scene.

After taking hold of the reins in Episode 5 of the series, it all ended bad for Zee after team mistakes were made. Zee was a charismatic guy throughout but was often criticised for his high levels of self belief, stating at one point “I’m a believer in my own power and I believe that what ever my mind can conceive, I can achieve.” This just shows the kind of man were talking about and I believe the kind of man due to succeed.

I found Zee to have the mindset of a winner; even wearing a shirt stating “Life’s a competition” at one point. And so, intrigued by his mindset and risk taking success in the Dubai property market, I got in touch asking for his top three tips for success; and here they are from the man himself. » Read more..