Location, Location, Location: Three Perfect Places for the Artist, Actor & Aspiring Businessman to Visit & Live…

London SkylineWhy is change so important for potential world changers?

The world is full of opportunities – but you didn’t need me to tell you that. What you do need me to tell you however is that these opportunities are available, not just for you but, for the people around you too. You might love these people. You might hate these people. These people might even be your unknown competition. But the truth of the matter is that opportunity is out there for anyone to grab. So what does this have to do with change and location?

Change is inevitable. It will happen whether we are in control of it, or not because of the choices that the people around us make. When I say it like that, change sounds like the enemy; something to spoil what we already have, but that’s not the case when you consider the changes that you are in control of. And these changes are called opportunities; and they may not be the changes that are available to you right now.

If you can deal with change, both internal and external, then you will see and do more things in your lifetime. Change to the pessimist is a spoiler. Change to the opportunist is potential. And I’d like you to think like an optimist whilst you’re reading this post today, because although a big trip or a big move is a big risk there are also big opportunities and rewards on the other side.

Remember this, if you remember nothing else. There is no way that you can be the best artist/actor/businessman that you can be if you’re not leaving your office. And that’s not me telling you that you have to pick a new place to live, today. It’s me telling you that if you see the same things everyday, you’re in danger of having the same ideas every day. And consistency is not, and will never be, the single key quality of someone looking to achieve their full potential. You need both varied experiences and a consistency in your ambition and work, to really achieve your full potential.

Memphis, London, Palo Alto: Perfect places to move to or visit..

In my very first Location, Location, Location post I shared with you three places in the world that I believed could fuel you as a budding world changer & creative entrepreneur, and these locations included New York City (a top choice for all you writers out there), Davao (for start-ups) and Atlanta (for people of balance). In today’s post I’m going to be sharing with you three new places which I have selected specifically for the Artist, the Actor and Business-Technology Buff.

4) Memphis: Top Choice for Artists…

It would have been extremely typical of me to name Paris as my top choice for Artists’ here because Paris is famous for its art, museums and romantic setting. However, the truth is that not many artists live in Paris anymore. Although it was once the bee’s knees for art globally, now, due to the living costs of the city, it has turned into a place that is better suited for an artist to visit than to live.

Memphis StreetThat’s why I’ve chosen a different location for my top choice for Artists in this post, because Memphis just so happens to be just as beautiful as Paris and a rather lot cheaper! The truth is that you can be an artist anywhere and it’s not for me to tell you what you find beautiful. But, if you considering moving somewhere that will motivate your artistic influence Memphis could be the place for you.

Although Memphis isn’t the well-recognised state in America, it is definitely one of the most unique. Having made great progress over the past several years, Memphis now boasts an art scene at its greatest peak. Around every corner there are opportunities for the budding artist to get inspired and to inspire others in the form of art receptions, gallery openings, art colleges and shows.

There is not one particular or popular art form in Memphis. Instead it provides a breadth of all kinds. Perfect for a young artist who isn’t sure what they’d like to give back to the world yet.  The greatest museum to demonstrate said variety is the Brooks Museum of Art. Brooks is located at the very heart of the city and is a must-see attraction if your only visiting the state because as well as being the oldest fine arts museum in the state, it is also the most frequently changing museum having continuously prided itself on it’s a new and steady stream of art.

On a sociable note, it’s worth mentioning that Memphis is in the South of America. This means that the people are extremely welcoming and although it’s a big city – with all the travelling, networking and opportunity bonuses – there’s a small town atmosphere to the place where everyone contributes something distinct to the area. Hand-in-hand with this, the city has space for outdoor ventures and scenery that is just phenomenal for the bike rider or hiker. Perfect for someone looking to be inspired, I’m sure you’ll agree.

5) London: Top Choice for Actors…

My best friend has been an aspiring actress for many years and now, as the time for picking universities comes around, she is just beginning to realise how hard it actually is to make it in the acting world.

Acting is a specialist field. Not many people take the path, but those that do are usually of high competition standard. They’re talented. Dedicated. And they, quite frankly, don’t care about second best. And this is why I think the city of London is definitely a great choice for the budding actor because there more opportunities in the city, but there are also more connections and unlike Hollywood, it’s much easier to find somewhere cheap to live.

London Street Perfect for ActorsThat’s why I chose somewhere closer to home for this section. Because although there is a great prestige surrounding Hollywood actors and actresses, the truth is that there are just as many great actors and directors in England. We were the ones, after all, who gave the world Shakespeare and we were also one of the first countries to truly develop culture in the theatre in Elizabethan times.

If you’re just starting out into the world of Acting it helps to have a sturdy foundation for your ventures. London is perfect for young actors because, unlike the rest of the country you could argue, there are plenty of acting schools to choose from such as RADA (The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art) in Central London and LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art) in the West to name a few. But, of course, it’s not all about education. London also provides multiple opportunities for actors such as theatre productions and auditions.

In England most auditions take place in the City. And the closer you live, the less far you have to travel and the more you can apply for. The busy nature of the city is also fuelling for the actor because you’ll be surrounded by people with the same dreams as you. Although the cost of these opportunities, education and nature can be high, living somewhere just outside, can drastically reduce the costs of living there whilst still providing the benefits listed above. So if you’re looking to make it in the world of acting, why not consider London?

6) Palo Alto: Top Choice for the Aspiring Technology Buff…

Before talking to Joe, I had never considered Palo Alto as a particular place of interest, but after researching into this small section of San Francisco, I was gob smacked by the character and efficiency of the Bay Area.

Palo Alto Sign PostDespite its size, Palo Alto is famous for being the leader of technological development. Hand-in-hand with this trait is Alto’s less well-known ability to fund start-ups and flourish new businesses. Its location, inhabitants and features make the place completely unique from any other and home to some of the worlds greatest high-tech businesses.

Palo Alto is Located in the South of San Francisco and the North of San Jose. San Jose and San Francisco are two great places for the budding entrepreneur and often overshadow Palo Alto with their own developments. But the truth is that Palo Alto is quite possibly the most significant area within these two locations, and this is because they make the most of the external links providing great networks and some of the fastest internet accesses in the world.

Palo Alto for Techy EntrepreneursThe majority of Palo Alto inhabitants have high incomes, high cultural diversity and high expectations of the city around them. These are great traits for a consumer to have because all of these traits provide a great opportunity for the businessman to combine the technology potential of the city with the potential of providing the people who have high demands of local nightlife, restraints and cafes.

For those of you who have never heard of Silicon Valley, you really should have. Silicon Valley was born 1938 with Hewlett and Packard’s small business. It is now the perfect place for anyone looking to change the world around them and is home to some of the largest technology companies in the US. As well as big business Silicon Valley also boasts thousands upon thousands of small start-ups making the place perfect to both begin and expand a business idea. It is also beautiful, so no matter how hard the working day has been there’s always a sense of optimism in the office.

Conclusion: Where do I go from here?

Physical location is a vital element of the creative process. If your sat, wherever in the world you are now, and you’re not happy. Then you’re where you need to be and you’re quite probably not working as efficiently. So before making the big change don’t think about what will impress your friends or what holds the best opportunities for you.

Consider, will this place offer the right opportunities that will fulfil me? Middle-class people are brilliant at procrastinating. But the truth is that, time is always running out. So don’t keep putting off moving if you know you want to do it.

As a potential world-changer you need every aspect of your life to nourish you. To make you the best. So, if anything, I’d like you to walk away today with some questions for yourself. And if you decide that you’re not living up to your full potential, revisit our site and find out how you can!

Wrote by Aimee Hall  -  Part of the Location, Location, Location Series.