Tag Archive for Greatness

Philosophy: Where & Why Philosophy is Important to Greatness (An Intro)

Personal PhilosophyBefore we start this post and in fact this series, I must say, I’m no philosopher and I have no degree in Philosophy… however, what I do have is an inspired mind and one full of real life philosophy – yet one that’s still learning and developing today.

I’ve been studying philosophy and the philosophies of people all my life, without even realizing it. And so have you. When we grow up, we grow up developing our philosophies, which will guide us for the whole of our lives, based on the philosophies we see and perceive of others around us.

We are what we are from both nature and nurture, but I believe our philosophy comes mostly from the nurture, from our environment, from the people that surround us.

Jim Rohn, not a philosopher but certainly a man with a great philosophy once said, “Character isn’t something you were born with and can’t change, like your fingerprints. It’s something you weren’t born with and must take responsibility for forming.” » Read more..

Thomas Edison: The Man Who Lit The World… Life & Lessons

Time Thomas Edison Holding Light BulbWe’ve all heard of Thomas Edison, the iconic inventor, businessman and world changer, placed up there with the likes of Henry Ford, Steve Jobs and Albert Einstein. During his lifetime, he created some world changing inventions; such as the light bulb, and began industries; such as playable (on-demand) music, which we would be unable to live without today.

Thomas Edison achieved a huge amount in his life and did a lot for the human race. He once said “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration” and think we can all learn something from the great inventor, visionary and businessman he was.

Thomas Edison: Life Biography

Thomas Alva Edison was born on the 11th February 1847 in Milan, Ohio to parents Samuel Ogden Edison, Jr. and Nancy Mathews Elliot. His father was of Canadian origin but was forced to run away from Canada following his part in the unsuccessful Mackenzie Rebellion of 1837. » Read more..

Barack Obama: Life & Lessons

Note: This post is one of a series, covering some of the most successful and influential people of our world. The ‘Inspirational People’ series of posts (others of which can be found here) aims to give you an insight in to the lives of these people and lessons from which we can learn and implement in our own lives.

Barack Obama: His Life

Barack Hussein Obama II, the 44th President of the United States of America, and the first African President to hold office.

Barack Obama was born August 4th 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii to parents Ann Durham (a white American) and Barack Obama Sr. (a Kenyan) who’d met while both studying at the University of Hawaii.

Barack’s Mother, Ann Durham grew up in Wichita, Kansas, but moved to Hawaii through her parents work during the great depression and the Second World War (following the attack on Hawaii’s Pearl Harbour). » Read more..

Aspergers Week: 20 Aspergers Famous People Who We All Know

Note: This post is the first of a series of posts for our ‘Aspergers Week‘ set. To read the following posts in the series click here or subscribe.

So in the last post of our ‘Asperger’s Week’ Series, Aimee spoke here about Asperger’s as whole. She introduced us all to the difference, briefly covering a few people who have been proved to have or to have had it and talked about how we can learn from them and their differences.

Now, she covered a few of these people before but in this post I’d like to cover more of these famous and successful Aspergers people individually. But first of all, in case you didn’t read her previous post or simply don’t know, here’s a quick recap on Aspergers. » Read more..

Aspergers Week: Aspergers or a Label for Genius?

Note: This post is the first of a series of posts for our ‘Aspergers Week‘ set. To read the following posts in the series click here or subscribe.


When thinking of Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Walt Disney, what do you think of?

For me it’s simple. I think of three men that all worked exceptionally hard to be and create what they have and to be the best in their field. I also think of a shared set of characteristics that got them there; Determination, Obsession, Focus, and a rejection of an ordinary life. I think of success.

But now, would you be surprised if I now told you that all these traits are actually the symptoms of a medically recognized difference? 

Asperger’s & Aspie’s


Aspergers syndrome is the term used to describe a rare and irreversible psychological difference that affects the way in which certain people communicate, work and perceive the outside world. » Read more..

Life Lessons from Steve Jobs: Quotes About Life Lessons

Steve Jobs Lessons

With the recent release of ‘Jobs’ the film in the States (and I assume soon to be released in the UK) following the life of Steve Jobs, from his early adopted childhood to his successes as an adult. I thought, it would be a good time to cover and recap on all of the advice and lessons from Steve Jobs that he has taught and given us over the years; some of which are sure to be shown in the film.

Being a techie kind of guy myself and interested highly in both the media and business, Steve Jobs has been a huge idol to me ever since a child. With his quirky ways (a few of which I could always even relate to myself) and his huge impression on technology, business and the media, he was a fascination and an inspiration.

Steve has always tried to teach others, contrary to the well publicised and in some case’s true image making him out to be a stiff and cruel man. Giving numerous lectures and interviews over the years, and a well known Stanford commencement address in 2008, there are a lot of quotes about life lessons from Steve Jobs to be learnt. I’ve listed a few below. » Read more..

Run for a Reason: My 5 Reasons to Run

Ellie Goudling Running for Success & Running for a Reason

Running is an individual (but sometimes partnered) sport based on speed, strength, stamina and most often high levels of determination. Although not for everyone, running is a hobby or even addiction that many of the worlds successful people take part in.

Inventor of the hugely successful Dyson vacuum, James Dyson has previously told FT’s weekend magazine that he’d “think nothing of a 6-mile run before breakfast”. And James isn’t the only one, with the well known UK singer Ellie Goulding consistently making it clear of her joys and addiction to running, even posting the following video about it for Nike’s #LetsTurnItUp event.

And so, it’s clear that there must be some reasons to run and many connections between running and success. So why do they run and why should you run to? Read on to find out my five reasons to run for success! » Read more..

Steve Jobs – How To Be Intelligent

Steve Jobs Academy of Achievement

“Have you ever thought about what it is to be intelligent?” Steve once said at The American Academy of Achievement many years ago. Speaking on general success, as well as life impacts on the world, innovation and creativity, Steve explained his views on what it really is to be intelligent.


To begin with, Steve suggests how memory is often an important and in fact vital factor of intelligence, saying “It seems to me, a lot of it seems to be memory.” Although this is not his main point, it is certainly one to recognise.

After all, every bit of information we know is stored in our memory. It’s something that a lack of would destroy us, but that with good levels of can also enhance and improve us. » Read more..

Succeed like Steve: Six Ways to Succeed like Steve Jobs

“Steve’s brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve.” - Apple

A picture of Steve JobsUnless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re bound to have noticed the dynamite impact that this exceptional man had on the world at some point in your life.

I never personally knew much about Steve Jobs until now, but after learning about how he changed the world from Joe, I guess he’s become quite an inspiration to me. And why? Because quite simply Steve changed the world! Leader of Apple, Steve jobs was not only a genius in several fields of industry but a hero to his employees and the people around him throughout his life. Famous for his ‘it has to be perfect’ attitude and ambitious and curious approach to inventing, he left the world a legend. » Read more..