Tag Archive for Opportunity

Movies of Inspiration: A Walk to Remember

If your in need of some reminding key life lessons of love, life and mortality… this film is the one for you. Showing the life changing story of a misled boy, he turns his life around from the joker of the class to a future success, following the meeting and journey of a life with his complete opposite.

If you’re looking for an inspirational film of life and life, then is the one. It represent a whole lot of life lessons and does so, leaving you in a state of reflection on your own life and what the future of it could hold in store for you.

Wrote by Joe Brown – Follow us on Twitter:

Taking A Bite of the Big Apple Life & Achieving the American Dream

The definition of the ‘American Dream’ is uncertain, because it depends on what your definition of ‘Dream’ is. You must ask yourself, “what is my American Dream?”

Martin Luther King’s American dream was racial equality. Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield’s American dream was to bring fair-trade ice cream to the world, and Walt Disney’s American dream was to be a successful movie animator.

Your ‘American Dream’ could be anything of the successful nature. It doesn’t matter. What ties all American dreamers together is their combined desire in achieving the American dream in what they do best.

What is My American Dream?

My American Dream

The American dream is fundamentally an ‘ideology traditionally shared by all US citizens’ which believes that every individual; rich, poor, black, white, male, or female has the freedom and the opportunity to prosper, because achieving the American dream comes through hard work and perseverance. And these are two qualities that are not subjective to their developer.

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An Extraordinary World of Trade – Why I’m Inspired by Our Modern World

Human Impact on Earth - Being Inspired by the Human Civilisation of our WorldOur world is constantly evolving; while we eat, while sleep and while we work. We all play our part in the development of the human civilisation, some more so than others, but non the less, we all play a part. Lorry drivers transport the goods we rely on while we sleep, power workers secure our power for both now and the future while we work and our military keeps us safe from threats around the world, 24 hours a day.

However, the above is nothing new, it’s specialisation, the division of labour, and something which has been occurring and progressing ever since the very first human began to walk on this earth thousands of years ago. » Read more..

My 3 Day Work Experience: Why You Should Take Every Opportunity

After being offered the opportunity for a work experience placement in my hometown of Wolverhampton a few weeks ago, I have this week spent 3 days in the placement.

Having taken up the offer keen to learn about the business and its vital skills, I spent 3 days in the Wolverhampton based estate agents Jackson Lile & Close, primarily with partner of the company Mr Close. Mr Close, an experienced estate agent, chartered surveyor and magistrate took me on in his work after an event held by our local rotary club lead to crossed paths.

Over the three days I was taken out on numerous house valuations, viewings and measure ups, educating me in the business of estate agency and in some ways opening my eyes to another way of business. Estate agency is well known as a people business, but to the extent I came to realise, I just did not know.

Having taken on the opportunity, I’ve not only learned about the business of estate agency, the property market and the many skills reflect-able into any business or situation. But also another insight into life from another view point. » Read more..