Tag Archive for Progress

Aspergers Week: Aspergers or a Label for Genius?

Note: This post is the first of a series of posts for our ‘Aspergers Week‘ set. To read the following posts in the series click here or subscribe.


When thinking of Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Walt Disney, what do you think of?

For me it’s simple. I think of three men that all worked exceptionally hard to be and create what they have and to be the best in their field. I also think of a shared set of characteristics that got them there; Determination, Obsession, Focus, and a rejection of an ordinary life. I think of success.

But now, would you be surprised if I now told you that all these traits are actually the symptoms of a medically recognized difference? 

Asperger’s & Aspie’s


Aspergers syndrome is the term used to describe a rare and irreversible psychological difference that affects the way in which certain people communicate, work and perceive the outside world. » Read more..

Run for a Reason: My 5 Reasons to Run

Ellie Goudling Running for Success & Running for a Reason

Running is an individual (but sometimes partnered) sport based on speed, strength, stamina and most often high levels of determination. Although not for everyone, running is a hobby or even addiction that many of the worlds successful people take part in.

Inventor of the hugely successful Dyson vacuum, James Dyson has previously told FT’s weekend magazine that he’d “think nothing of a 6-mile run before breakfast”. And James isn’t the only one, with the well known UK singer Ellie Goulding consistently making it clear of her joys and addiction to running, even posting the following video about it for Nike’s #LetsTurnItUp event.

And so, it’s clear that there must be some reasons to run and many connections between running and success. So why do they run and why should you run to? Read on to find out my five reasons to run for success! » Read more..

Refresh The Mind – For A More Direct Route To Success

Refreshing the Mind through Meditation Ever feel the need to relax your thinking and refresh the mind? You feel your attitude to life slipping or your vision for the future becoming blurred? Then you should take a break, kick it all out and refresh the mind.

The simplicity of something such as a train ride and its effect on the brain can be all that’s needed to change your mindset and vision on life, and to look forward on it in a new light.

I frequently catch the train, sometimes for short journeys just to Birmingham and back and sometimes further (like right now!) The great thing about train rides, is other then the short bursts of thinking to check where you are and when you need to get off or change, you can simply relax, look out of the window and watch the world go by. » Read more..

Zeeshaan Shah on Success – A Special Interview


Zeeshaan Shah, also known as Zee, is well accustomed to success and its traits regardless of his latest loss at the firing of himself by Alan Sugar in this years Apprentice. Zee, asserting himself as an “over achiever” and “a man of principles” on the show has previously dealt in many higher level management teams in the UK and made huge success in the Dubai property scene.

After taking hold of the reins in Episode 5 of the series, it all ended bad for Zee after team mistakes were made. Zee was a charismatic guy throughout but was often criticised for his high levels of self belief, stating at one point “I’m a believer in my own power and I believe that what ever my mind can conceive, I can achieve.” This just shows the kind of man were talking about and I believe the kind of man due to succeed.

I found Zee to have the mindset of a winner; even wearing a shirt stating “Life’s a competition” at one point. And so, intrigued by his mindset and risk taking success in the Dubai property market, I got in touch asking for his top three tips for success; and here they are from the man himself. » Read more..