Tag Archive for Success

Aspergers Week: 20 Aspergers Famous People Who We All Know

Note: This post is the first of a series of posts for our ‘Aspergers Week‘ set. To read the following posts in the series click here or subscribe.

So in the last post of our ‘Asperger’s Week’ Series, Aimee spoke here about Asperger’s as whole. She introduced us all to the difference, briefly covering a few people who have been proved to have or to have had it and talked about how we can learn from them and their differences.

Now, she covered a few of these people before but in this post I’d like to cover more of these famous and successful Aspergers people individually. But first of all, in case you didn’t read her previous post or simply don’t know, here’s a quick recap on Aspergers. » Read more..

Aspergers Week: Aspergers or a Label for Genius?

Note: This post is the first of a series of posts for our ‘Aspergers Week‘ set. To read the following posts in the series click here or subscribe.


When thinking of Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Walt Disney, what do you think of?

For me it’s simple. I think of three men that all worked exceptionally hard to be and create what they have and to be the best in their field. I also think of a shared set of characteristics that got them there; Determination, Obsession, Focus, and a rejection of an ordinary life. I think of success.

But now, would you be surprised if I now told you that all these traits are actually the symptoms of a medically recognized difference? 

Asperger’s & Aspie’s


Aspergers syndrome is the term used to describe a rare and irreversible psychological difference that affects the way in which certain people communicate, work and perceive the outside world. » Read more..

Recommended Book Review: P.U.S.H for Success

This is a very easy book to read and gives very simple hints and tips which I believe have helped me to achieve my dreams and hope can also help you achieve yours.

Remember Saira Khan? Star of the hit BBC TV series The Apprentice, Khan was a bit different from the other contestants. She was innovative, ballsy, loud and could handle Alan Sugar like no other.

Naturally she stood out of the crowd and oozed a ‘can do’ attitude that clearly showed everyone watching that this woman knew exactly what she wanted and was going to push at all costs to get it.

Wouldn’t believe this strong successful woman began life in a places where ‘the man was regarded as the leader and provider of the home’ would you?

In a world so far away from the one she took by storm, Saira began life in a town with no electricity or water pipes. She built herself up around inspiration to be different, grew determined from the high standards her father set and made no excuses. The past was simply a mould to grow with. Failure wasn’t an option. » Read more..

Refresh The Mind – For A More Direct Route To Success

Refreshing the Mind through Meditation Ever feel the need to relax your thinking and refresh the mind? You feel your attitude to life slipping or your vision for the future becoming blurred? Then you should take a break, kick it all out and refresh the mind.

The simplicity of something such as a train ride and its effect on the brain can be all that’s needed to change your mindset and vision on life, and to look forward on it in a new light.

I frequently catch the train, sometimes for short journeys just to Birmingham and back and sometimes further (like right now!) The great thing about train rides, is other then the short bursts of thinking to check where you are and when you need to get off or change, you can simply relax, look out of the window and watch the world go by. » Read more..

My 3 Day Work Experience: Why You Should Take Every Opportunity

After being offered the opportunity for a work experience placement in my hometown of Wolverhampton a few weeks ago, I have this week spent 3 days in the placement.

Having taken up the offer keen to learn about the business and its vital skills, I spent 3 days in the Wolverhampton based estate agents Jackson Lile & Close, primarily with partner of the company Mr Close. Mr Close, an experienced estate agent, chartered surveyor and magistrate took me on in his work after an event held by our local rotary club lead to crossed paths.

Over the three days I was taken out on numerous house valuations, viewings and measure ups, educating me in the business of estate agency and in some ways opening my eyes to another way of business. Estate agency is well known as a people business, but to the extent I came to realise, I just did not know.

Having taken on the opportunity, I’ve not only learned about the business of estate agency, the property market and the many skills reflect-able into any business or situation. But also another insight into life from another view point. » Read more..

Steve Jobs – How To Be Intelligent

Steve Jobs Academy of Achievement

“Have you ever thought about what it is to be intelligent?” Steve once said at The American Academy of Achievement many years ago. Speaking on general success, as well as life impacts on the world, innovation and creativity, Steve explained his views on what it really is to be intelligent.


To begin with, Steve suggests how memory is often an important and in fact vital factor of intelligence, saying “It seems to me, a lot of it seems to be memory.” Although this is not his main point, it is certainly one to recognise.

After all, every bit of information we know is stored in our memory. It’s something that a lack of would destroy us, but that with good levels of can also enhance and improve us. » Read more..

Zeeshaan Shah on Success – A Special Interview


Zeeshaan Shah, also known as Zee, is well accustomed to success and its traits regardless of his latest loss at the firing of himself by Alan Sugar in this years Apprentice. Zee, asserting himself as an “over achiever” and “a man of principles” on the show has previously dealt in many higher level management teams in the UK and made huge success in the Dubai property scene.

After taking hold of the reins in Episode 5 of the series, it all ended bad for Zee after team mistakes were made. Zee was a charismatic guy throughout but was often criticised for his high levels of self belief, stating at one point “I’m a believer in my own power and I believe that what ever my mind can conceive, I can achieve.” This just shows the kind of man were talking about and I believe the kind of man due to succeed.

I found Zee to have the mindset of a winner; even wearing a shirt stating “Life’s a competition” at one point. And so, intrigued by his mindset and risk taking success in the Dubai property market, I got in touch asking for his top three tips for success; and here they are from the man himself. » Read more..

Succeed like Steve: Six Ways to Succeed like Steve Jobs

“Steve’s brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve.” - Apple

A picture of Steve JobsUnless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re bound to have noticed the dynamite impact that this exceptional man had on the world at some point in your life.

I never personally knew much about Steve Jobs until now, but after learning about how he changed the world from Joe, I guess he’s become quite an inspiration to me. And why? Because quite simply Steve changed the world! Leader of Apple, Steve jobs was not only a genius in several fields of industry but a hero to his employees and the people around him throughout his life. Famous for his ‘it has to be perfect’ attitude and ambitious and curious approach to inventing, he left the world a legend. » Read more..